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PAA = Pragmatei=ai th=j 7)Akadhmi/aj 7)Aqhnw=n, Atenas. [e.g.: PAA 17, 1951, 13 ss. n.4 = IPerinthos 4]
PAAH = v. Praktika.
PAAJ = Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, Filadelfia. [e.g.: PAAJ 20, 1951, 265-277 = BE 1953.215]
PACA = Proceedings of the African Classical Association, Salisbury. [e.g.: PACA 11, 1968, 81-83 = BE 1971.305]
Pace, Camarina = Pace, B., Camarina: topografia, storia, archeologia, Catania 1927. [e.g.: Pace, Camarina 159-165 n.10 = Jordan, Survey 172-173 n.85]
Pace, Sicilia = Pace, B., Arte e Civiltà della Sicilia antica, Città di Castello 1945. [e.g.: Pace, Sicilia 528-529 = Lazzarini, Formule 752]
Padgett, Roman Sculpture = Weir, R.G.A., en Padgett, J.M. (ed.), Roman Sculpture in the Art Museum, Princeton University, Princeton 2001. [e.g.: IGLS 841 = Padgett, Roman Sculpture 119]
Page, EG = Page, D.L., Epigrammata Graeca, Oxford 1975. [e.g.: Page, EG 177-180 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 34]
Page, FGE = Page, D.L., Further Greek Epigramms, Cambridge 1981. [e.g.: IG 7.53 = Page, FGE Simonides 16]
Palaeologia = Palaeologia, Kyoto. [e.g.: Palaeologia 1968, 136-137 n.1-4 = BE 1969.438]
Palaiokrassa, Andros = Palaiokrassa, L., 7)Arxaiologiko\ Mousei=o 7)/Androu. 7(Odhgo\j tw=n eu(rhma/twn a)po\ th\n a)naskafh\ th=j gewmetrikh=j po/lhj sth\ Zagora=, Andros 1996. [e.g.: Paleocrasa, Andros 225-229 = Petrocheilos, Naxos 96]
Palaiokrassa, Hiero = Palaiokrassa, L., To\ i(ero\ th=j 7)Arte/midoj Mounixi/aj, Atenas 1991. [e.g.: Palaiokrassa, Hiero 28 n.35 = Ath.Agora 18.567]
Palamedes = Palamedes. A Journal of Ancient History, Varsovia. [e.g.: Palamedes 4, 2010, 147-152 = BE 2010.617]
Palazzi di Casignana = Sabbione, C. (ed.), La villa romana di Palazzi di Casignana. Guida archeologica, Gioiosa Jonica 2007. [e.g.: Palazzi di Casignana p.93 = ILocri 115]
PalEF = Palestine Exploration Fund, Londres. [e.g.: PalEF 1895, 155 n.105 = IGR 3.1181]
PalEQ = Palestine Exploration Quarterly, Londres. [e.g.: PalEQ 1882, 218 n.1 = Gerasa 11]
PalJ = Palästina-Jahrbuch des Dt. evangelischen Inst. für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem, Berlín. [e.g.: PalJ 1910, 9 = Gerasa 236]
Pallas = Pallas. Revue d'études antiques, Toulouse. [e.g.: Pallas 64, 1984, 221-232 = IThesp.44-57 (note)]
Pallas, Monuments = Pallas, D., Monuments paléochrétiens de Grèce découverts de 1959 à 1973, El Vaticano 1977. [e.g.: Pallas, Monuments 185 n.90 = IPatras 285]
Palmyre. Fouilles polonaises = Sadurska, A., Michalowski, K. et al., Palmyre. Fouilles polonaises I-VIII, Varsovia 1960-85. [e.g.: Palmyre. Fouilles polonaises II 237 n.1 = IPalmyre 412]
Paluchowski, Protocosmes = Paluchowski, A., Fastes des protocosmes des cités crétoises sous le Haut Empire, Wroclaw 2005. [e.g.: ICr.1.5.9 = Paluchowski, Protocosmes 104]
Pan = Bernand, A., Pan du désert, Leiden 1977. [e.g.: Pan 38 = Hellmann, Choix 34]
Pandermalis, Dion = Pandermalis, D., Di=on. 7(H a)naka/luyh, Atenas 1999. [e.g.: Pandermalis, Dion Gener. = BE 2000.453]
Pandora = Pandora. [e.g.: Pandora 15, 1866, 537 = GVI 1337]
Panessa, Philiai = Panessa, G., Philiai. L'amicizia nelle relazioni interstatali dei Greci dalle origini alla fine della guerra del Peloponneso, Pisa 1999. [e.g.: Meiggs - Lewis, SGHI 92 = Panessa, Philiai 77]
Pannuti, Collezione glittica = Pannuti, U., Museo archeologico nazionale di Napoli. La collezione glittica. II, Roma 1994. [e.g.: Pannuti, Collezione glittica Gener. = BE 1996.103]
Pantos, Sphragismata = Pantos, P.A., Ta\ sfragi/smata th=j ai)twlikh=j Kallipo/lewj, Atenas 1985. [e.g.: Pantos, Sphragismata Gener. = BE 1988.265]
PAOS = Proceedings of the American Oriental Society. [e.g.: PAOS 1877, XXVII ss. = GDI 59-60]
Pap.Amer.School Ath. 1 = Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 1, 1882-83, Boston 1885. [e.g.: Pap.Amer.School Ath. 1, 1882-83, n.13 = La Carie 49]
Pap.Amer.School Ath. 4 = Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 4, 1885-86, Boston 1889. [e.g.: Pap.Amer.School Ath. 4, 1885-86, 183 n.59 = ID 9]
Pap.Amer.School Ath. 5 = Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 5, 1886-90, Boston 1892. [e.g.: Pap.Amer.School Ath. 5, 1886-90, 170-176 = Sokolowski 3.19]
Pap.Amer.School Ath. 6 = Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 6, 1890-97, Boston 1892. [e.g.: Pap.Amer.School Ath. 6, 1890-97, 183-197 n.1 = IG 12(9).234]
Papachristodoulou, Demoi = Papachristodoulou, I., Oi( a)rxai=oi r(odiakoi\ dh=moi, I. 7(Istorikh\ 7)Episko/phsh. 7(H 7)Ialusi/a, Atenas 1989. [e.g.: Papachristodoulou, Demoi Gener. = BE 1992.337]
Papaconstantinou, Saints = Papaconstantinou, A., Le culte des saints en Égypte des byzantins aux Abbasides. L'apport des inscriptions et des papyrus grecs et coptes, Paris, CNRS Editions, 2001. [e.g.: IMEG 60 = Papaconstantinou, Saints p.378]
Papadopoulos, Madytos = Papadopoulos, C.A., Ma/dutoj, h( po/lij th=j Xerronnh/sou, Atenas 1980. [e.g.: Papadopoulos, Madytos 26 = IThrac.Or.160]
Papadopoulos-Kerameus, Smyrn. Stathma = Papadopoulos-Kerameus, A., Ta\ a)rxai=a smurnai+ka\ staqma\ tou= Mousei/ou th=j Eu)aggelikh=j Sxolh=j, Esmirna 1875. [e.g.: Papadopoulos-Kerameus, Smyrn. Stathma 18 = McCabe, Smyrna 909]
Papageorgiou, Mytilene = Papageorgiou, P.N., Unedierte Inschriften von Mytilene, Leipzig 1900. [e.g.: Papageorgiou, Mytilene 105 = GVI 211]
Papagiannopoulos-Palaios, Epigr. = Papagiannopoulos-Palaios, A.A., 7)Arxai=ai (Ellhnikai\ 7)Epigrafai/ A', 2nd. ed., Atenas 1950. [e.g.: Papagiannopoulos-Palaios, Epigr. 82-84 n.18 = Ath.Agora 18.320]
Papalas, Icaria = Papalas, A.J., Ancient Icaria, Wauconda 1992. [e.g.: Papalas, Icaria 181-182 n.1 = IG 12(6).1227]
Papazoglou, Laoi = Papazoglou, F., Laoi et Paroikoi. Recherches sur la structure de la société hellénistique, Études d'Histoire Ancienne 1, Belgrado 1997. [e.g.: OGI 519 = Papazoglou, Laoi P 32]
Papers Boardman = Periplous. Papers on Classical Art and Archeology presented to Sir John Boardman, Londres 2000. [e.g.: Papers Boardman 60-67 = BE 2001.218]
Papers II Int.Congr.Maced. = Ancient Macedonia: an Australian Symposium. Papers of the Second International Conress of Macedonian Studies. The University of Melbourne, 8-13 July 1991, Sidney 1995. [e.g.: Papers II Int.Congr.Maced. 99-126 = BE 1997.358]
Papers Raubitschek = The Greek historians. Literature and history. Papers presented to A.E. Raubitschek, Saratoga, Anma libri, 1985. [e.g.: Papers Raubitschek 25-46 = Ath.Agora 18.1]
Papers Reynolds = Images of Authority. Papers presented to Joyce Reynolds on the occasion of her 70th birthday, Cambridge 1989. [e.g.: Papers Reynolds 206 ss. = IPerge 331 col. II]
Papers Shatzman = Geiger, J. (ed.), Israel's Land. Papers presented to Israel Shatzman, Tel Aviv 2009. [e.g.: Papers Shatzman 131-145 = BE 2010.606]
PAPhS = Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Filadelfia. [e.g.: PAPhS 107, 1963, 348-364 = BE 1964.12]
Pappakonstantinou, Tralleis = Pappakonstantinou, M., Ai( Tra/lleij h)/toi Sullogh\ Trallianw=n e)pigrafw=n, Atenas 1895. [e.g.: Pappakonstantinou, Tralleis 16 = La Carie 63]
Papyrologica Lupiensia 11, 2002 = Capasso, M. (ed.), Dal restauro dei materiali allo studio dei testi. Aspetti della ricerca papirologica, Papyrologica Lupiensia 11, Lecce 2002. [e.g.: Papyrologica Lupiensia 11, 2002, 87-187 = BE 2007.96]
PAR = Pro Austria romana: Nachrichtenblatt für die Forschungsarbeit über die Römerzeit in österreich. [e.g.: Pro Austria Romana 39, 1989, 27-28 = RICIS 612-0402]
Paria Lithos = Schilardi, D. - Katsonopoulou, D. (eds.), Paria Lithos, Paroikia, Paros 2000. [e.g.: Paria Lithos 113-116 = BE 2002.32]
Parissaki, Prosopography = Parissaki, M.-G., Prosopography and Onomasticon of Aegean Thrace, Meletemata 49, Atenas 2007. [e.g.: Parissaki, Prosopography Gener. = BE 2008.126]
Parke, DO = Parke, H.W. y Wormell, D.E.W., The Delphic Oracle, II, The oracular responses, Oxford 1956. [e.g.: OGI 234 = Parke, DO 346]
Parke, Dodona = Parke, H.W., ®A selection of enquiries made at Dodona¯, en The Oracles of Zeus, Oxford 1967, pp.259-273. [e.g.: Parke, Dodona 261 n.6 = Le Guen-Pollet 72]
Parkes Weber, Aspects[4] = Weber, F.P., Aspects of death and correlated aspects of life in art, epigram and poetry: contributions towards an anthology and an iconography of the subject, 4th. ed. revised and much enlarged, Londres 1922. [e.g.: Parkes Weber, Aspects[4] 661 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 2285]
Parlasca, Grabreliefs = Parlasca, K., Syrische Grabreliefs hellenistischer und römischer Zeit, Maguncia 1982. [e.g.: Parlasca, Grabreliefs 12 + 26, 98 = IPalmyre 559]
Parnassos = Parnassos, Atenas. [e.g.: Parnassos 10, 1886, 93 = IIsol.Mil.2]
Pascal, Cisalpine Gaul = Pascal, C.B., The Cults of Cisalpine Gaul, Collection Latomus 75, Bruselas - Berchem 1964. [e.g.: Pascal, Cisalpine Gaul 38-40 = Hornum, Nemesis 143]
Paschalis, Andros = Paschalis, D.P., 7(H 7)/Androj, h)/toi i(stori/a th=j nh/sou a)po\ tw=n a)rxaiota/twn xro/nwn me/xri tw=n kaq' h(ma=j, Atenas 1925-27, 2 vols. [e.g.: Paschalis, Andros 477-479 n.9 = IAdramytteion 16]
Paschidis, City and King = Paschidis, P., Between City and King. Prosopographical Studies on the Intermediairies between the Cities of the Greek Mainland and the Aegean and the Royal Courts in the Hellenistic Period (322-190 BC), Atenas 2008. [e.g.: Paschidis, City and King 295-302 = BE 2010.329]
Paspatis, Chiakon Glossarion = Paspatis, G., Xiako\n Glwssa/rion, Atenas 1888. [e.g.: Paspatis, Chiakon Glossarion 403 n.5 = Graf, Kulte Chios 60]
PAT = Hillers, D.R. - Cusini, E., Palmyrene Aramaic Texts, Baltimore 1996. [e.g.: PAT 0197 = SEG 54.1566]
Patsch, Das Sandschak Berat = Patsch, C., Schriften der Balkankommission. Antiquarische Abteilung III. Das Sandschak Berat in Albanien, Viena 1904. [e.g.: Patsch, Das Sandschak Berat 174 n.34 = IApoll.226]
Payne, Honors = Payne, M.J., APETAS ENEKEN. Honors to Romans and Italians in Greece from 260 to 27 B.C., diss. Michigan State University 1984. [e.g.: Payne, Honors 33 = Schörner, Votive 1037]
Payne, Necrocorinthia = Payne, H., Necrocorinthia, Oxford 1931. [e.g.: Payne, Necrocorinthia 302 n.780 = Guarducci, EG I 172]
Payne, Perachora = Payne, H., Perachora. The Sanctuary of Hera Akraia and Limenia I. Architecture, Bronzes, Terracotas, Oxford 1940. [e.g.: Payne, Perachora 257-261 n.1 = Guarducci, EG III 37-38]
PBA = Proceedings of the British Academy, Oxford. [e.g.: PBA 53, 1967, 71-95 = BE 1969.600]
PBH = Patma-banasirakan handes: revue historico-philologique, Erevan. [e.g.: PBH 94, 1981, 81-94 = BE 1990.605]
PBingen = Melaerts, H. (ed.), Papyri in honorem Johannis Bingen octogenarii (P.Bingen), Lovaina 2000. [e.g.: PBingen 108 = BE 2002.522]
PBSR = Papers of the British School at Rome, Londres. [e.g.: PBSR 37, 1969, 94 = IAphrodisias 1.5]
PCPhil = Pacific Coast Philology, San Fernando Valley State College, Northbridge, California. [e.g.: PCPhil 10, 1975, 29-33 = BE 1976.805]
PCPhS = Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, Cambridge. [e.g.: PCPhS 199, 1973, 35-37 = IGDOlbia 23]
PDIA = Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens, Atenas. [e.g.: PDIA 1, 1995, 212 = SGOst.1.12.99]
PDryton = Vandorpe, K., The Bilingual Family Archive of Dryton, his Wife Apollonia and their Daughter Senmouthis (P.Dryton), Bruselas (Collectanea Hellenistica 4) 2002. [e.g.: PDryton 410-412 = BE 2004.419]
Peachin, Chronology = Peachin, M., Roman Imperial Titutature and Chronology, A.D. 235-284, Studia Amstelodamensia ad Epigraphicam, Ius Antiquum, et Papyrologicam Pertinentia 29. Amsterdam 1990. [e.g.: Peachin, Chronology 125 n.130 = ICaes.Mar.106]
Peachin, Friendship = Peachin, M. (ed.), Aspects of Friendship in the Graeco-Roman World, Journal of Roman Archaeology. Supplementary Series 43, Portsmouth, Rhode Island 2001. [e.g.: Peachin, Friendship 51-63 = BE 2002.152]
Pébarthe, Cité = Pébarthe, Chr., Cité, démocratie et écriture. Histoire de l'alphabétisation d'Athènes à l'époque classique, París 2006. [e.g.: Pébarthe, Cité = BE 2007.186]
Peek, AG I = Peek, W., ®Attische Grabschriften, I¯, Abh.Berl. 1953(4), Berlín 1954 (recogido en Oikonomides, A.N. (ed.), Inscriptiones Atticae. Supplementum Inscriptionum Atticarum. I, Chicago, Ares Publishers, 1976). [e.g.: Peek, AG I p.26 = BE 1961.273]
Peek, AG II = Peek, W., ®Attische Grabschriften, II¯, Abh.Berl. 1956(3), Berlín 1957 (recogido en Oikonomides, A.N. (ed.), Inscriptiones Atticae. Supplementum Inscriptionum Atticarum. I, Chicago, Ares Publishers, 1976). [e.g.: Peek, AG II n.56 = Fun.Mon.1020]
Peek, AV = Peek, W., ®Attische Versinschriften¯, Abh.Leipz. 69(2), 1980. [e.g.: Peek, AV 25 = CEG 749]
Peek, Epigr.Lak.Ark. = Peek, W., Epigramme und andere Inschriften aus Lakonien und Arkadien, Sitz.Heid. 1971(2). [e.g.: SEG 11.949 = Peek, Epigr.Lak.Ark.2]
Peek, GVAK = Peek, W., Griechische Versinschriften aus Kleinasien, Viena 1980. [e.g.: Peek, GVAK 9 n.1 = IHadrian.78]
Peek, GVICyren. = Peek, W., ®Griechische Versinschriften aus der Cyrenaica, aus Mauretanien und Numidien¯, Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig 63(4), Berlín 1972. [e.g.: QAL 4, 1961, 14-15 = Peek, GVICyren.1]
Peek, GVIThess. = Peek, W., Griechische Vers-Inschriften aus Thessalien, Sitz.Heid. 1974(3). [e.g.: Peek, GVIThess.5 = IThess.1.37]
Peek, Isishymnus = Peek, W., Der Isishymnus von Andros und verwandte Texte, Berlín 1930. [e.g.: Peek, Isishymnus 137-140 = IKios 21]
PEG II(2) = Bernabé, A., Poetae Epici Graeci. Testimonia et Fragmenta. Pars II. Orphicorum et Orphicis similium testimonia et fragmenta. Fasc. 2., Munich - Leipzig 2005. [e.g.: IG 14.638 = PEG II(2) 476]
Pekary, Schiffsdarstellungen = Pekary, I., Repertorium der hellenistischen und römischen Schiffsdarstellungen, Boreas 8, Münster 1999. [e.g.: Pekary, Schiffsdarstellungen 376 TR-16 = ISinope 169]
Pekman, Perge Tarihi = Pekman, A., Perge Tarihi, Ankara 1973. [e.g.: Pekman, Perge Tarihi 10-11, 62 = IPerge 101-102]
Pelekidis = Pelekidis, Ch., 7)Ane/kdotoi 7)Epigrafai\ e)c 7)/Androu kai\ Na/cou, Atenas 1969. [e.g.: SIG 743 = Pelekidis 3-9 n.1]
Peloponnesiaka = Peloponnhsiaka/, Atenas. [e.g.: Peloponnesiaka 16, 1985-86, 561-578 = BE 1988.210]
Perdrizet, Bronzes Fouquet = Perdrizet, Bronzes grecs d'Égypte de la Collection Fouquet, París 1921. [e.g.: Perdrizet, Bronzes Fouquet 80 = SB 6046]
Perdrizet, Terres cuites = Perdrizet, P., Les terres cuites de la collection Fouquet, Nancy - París - Estrasburgo 1921. [e.g.: Perdrizet, Terres cuites 128 n.352 = Guarducci, EGOTI 375]
Peremans - Van't Dack, Prosopographica = Peremans, W. - Van't Dack, E., Prosopographica, Studia Hellenistica 9, Lovaina 1953. [e.g.: Peremans - Van't Dack, Prosopographica Gener. = BE 1955.60, 268]
Periapto = Periapto, Archaeology, arts, Humanities, Atenas. [e.g.: Periapto 3, 2000-2001, 67-68 = BE 2001.42]
Perlman, Apollo Pythios = Perlman, P., ®Gortyn: the first seven hundred years. 2. The laws from the temple of Apollo Pythios¯, en Th. Heine Nielsen (ed.), Even more studies in the ancient Greek ®polis¯, Stuttgart 2002, pp.187-227. [e.g.: ICr.3.8.1 = Perlman, Apollo Pythios 5]
Perlman, Theorodokia = Perlman, P., City and Sanctuary in Ancient Greece. The Theorodokia in the Peloponnese, Gotinga 2000. [e.g.: IO 36 = Perlman, Theorodokia O 1]
Pernice, Gewichte = Pernice, E., Griechische Gewichte, Berlín 1894. [e.g.: Pernice, Gewichte n.707 = McCabe, Smyrna 912]
Perrin-Saminadayar, Acteurs = Perrin-Saminadayar, E., Education, culture et société à Athènes. Les acteurs de la vie culturelle athénienne (229-88): un tout petit monde, París 2007. [e.g.: IG 2[2].900 = Perrin-Saminadayar, Acteurs T 16]
Perrot, Exploration = Perrot, Exploration archéologique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie, d'une partie de la Mysie, de la Phrygie, de la Cappadoce et du Pont, París 1872, 2 vols. [(O) 1983] [e.g.: Perrot, Exploration 101 n.63 = IKyzikos 2.47]
Perrot, Galatia = Perrot, G., De Galatia Provincia Romana, París 1867. [e.g.: Perrot, Galatia 111 = French, Roman Roads 150]
Perrot - Chipiez = Perrot, G. - Chipiez, Ch., Histoire de l'art dans l'Antiquité, vol. X, París 1914. [e.g.: Perrot - Chipiez 297 = IG 7.3599]
Petermanns Mitt. = Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, Gotha. [e.g.: Petermanns Mitt. 55, 1909, 268 = GVI 1144]
Petermanns Mitt., Suppl. 94, 1889 = Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, Ergänzungsheft 94, Gotha 1899. [e.g.: Petermanns Mitt., Suppl. 94, 1889, 33 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 854]
Petersen - Luschan, RLMK = Petersen, E. y Von Luschan, F., Reisen in südwestlichen Kleinasien, II, Reisen in Lykien, Milyas und Kibyratis, Viena 1889. [e.g.: Petersen-Luschan, RLMK 165-166 n.193 = ITyriaion 31]
Peterson, Heis Theos = Petersen, E., EIS QEOS. Epigraphische, formgeschichtliche und religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen, Gotinga 1926. [e.g.: Peterson, Heis Theos 78 = McCabe, Aphrodisias 647.05]
Petkos, Pella = Petkos, A.S. - Akamatis, I. - Lilimbaki-Akamati, M. - Papaefthymiou-Papanthimou, A., Pe/lla kai\ h( perioxh/ thj, Atenas 2003. [e.g.: Petkos, Pella Gener. = BE 2005.334]
Petrakos, Marathon = Petrakos, V., 7(O Maraqw/n, Atenas 1995. [e.g.: Petrakos, Marathon Gener. = BE 1996.47]
Petrakos, Oropos = Petrakos, V.K., 7(O Wropo\j kai\ to\ 7(Iero\n tou= 7)Amfiara/ou, Atenas 1968. [e.g.: Petrakos, Oropos 164 n.26 = Bringmann, Schenkungen 78]
Petrie, Dendereh = Petrie, W.M. Flinders, Dendereh 1898, Egypt Exploration Fund XVII, London 1900. [e.g.: Petrie, Dendereh lám. XXV, izqda. = AfP 2, 1903, 563 nota I]
Petrie, Gaza IV = Petrie, F., Ancient Gaza. IV, Londres 1934. [e.g.: Petrie, Gaza IV 12 = Meimaris, Chronological systems 133 n.137]
Petrie, Gizeh = Petrie, W. M. Flinders, Gizeh und Rifeh, London 1907. [e.g.: Petrie, Gizeh lám. 37b n.9 = SB 6179]
Petrie, Hawara = Petrie, W.M. Flinders, Hawara, Biahmu and Arsinoe, London 1889. [e.g.: Petrie, Hawara 16 (n.1) = SB 4178]
Petrie, Heliopolis = Flinders Petrie, W.M. - MacKay, E., Heliopolis, Kafr Ammas and Schurafa, BSAE 24, Londres 1915. [e.g.: Petrie, Heliopolis lám. 47 = SB 6209]
Petrie, Illahun = Flinders Petrie. W. M., Illahun, Kahun and Gurob, Londres 1891. [e.g.: Petrie, Illahun Pl. 32 = SB 8801]
Petrie, Koptos = Flinders Petrie, W. M., Koptos, Londres 1896. [e.g.: Petrie, Koptos 22 lám. 27-28 = SB 8904]
Petrie, Memphis I = Petrie, W. M. Flinders, Memphis I, London 1909. [e.g.: Petrie, Memphis I lám. 53 n.1 = SB 6182]
Petrie, Memphis II = Petrie, W.M. Flinders, The Palace of Apries, Memphis II, British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian Research Account fifteenth year, 1909, London 1909. [e.g.: Petrie, Memphis II lám. 27 n.1 = SB 3797]
Petrie, Roman Portraits = Petrie, W. M. Flinders, Roman Portraits and Memphis (IV), Londres 1911. [e.g.: Petrie, Roman Portraits 22 y lám. XXIV 16 = SB 13654]
Petrie, Season 1887 = Petrie, W.M. Flinders, A Season in Egypt 1887, London 1888. [e.g.: Petrie, Season 1887 lám. 7 n.157 = SB 2255]
Petrie, Tanis = Petrie, W.M. Flinders, Tanis, Teil I, 1883-1884, Second Memoir of The Egypt Exploration Fund, Londres 1885. [e.g.: Petrie, Tanis 33 = SB 2634]
Petrie, Ten year's = Petrie, W.M. Flinders, Ten year's digging in Egypt. 1881-1891, Teil I, London 1892. [e.g.: Petrie, Ten year's 38 = SB 353]
Petrocheilos, Naxos = Petrocheilos, N., Sumbole\j sth\n i(stori/a kai\ proswpografi/a th=j a)rxai/aj 7)/Androu. 7)Epigrafika\j kai\ filologike\j marturi/ej, Andros 2010. [e.g.: IG 12(5).715 = Petrocheilos, Naxos 25]
Petropoulos, Patras = Petropoulos, M., Ta ergasth/ria twn rwmaikw/n luxnari/wn thj Pa/traj kai to luxnomantei/o, Atenas 1999. [e.g.: Petropoulos, Patras Gener. = BE 2001.105]
Petzl, Beichtinschriften = Petzl, ®Die Beichtinschriften Westkleinasiens¯, EpigrAnat 22, Bonn 1994, 175 pp. [e.g.: Petzl, Beichtinschriften 10 = Ricl, Confession 75]
Peuce = Peuce. Studi si cercetari de istorie si arheologie, Tulcea. [e.g.: Peuce N.S. 2, 2004, 61-72 = BE 2008.345]
Pfeiffer, Kanopos = Pfeiffer, St., Das Dekret von Kanopos (238 v.Chr.). Kommentar und historische Auswertung eines dreisprachiges Synodaldekretes der ägyptischen Priester zu Ehren Ptolemaios' III. und seiner Familie, Archiv für Papyrusforschung Bh. 18, Munich-Leipzig 2004. [e.g.: Pfeiffer, Kanopos Gener. = BE 2005.571]
Pflaum, Carrières = Pflaum, H.-G., Les carrières procuratoriennes equestres sous le Haut-empire romain, París 1960-61. [e.g.: Pflaum, Carrières 715-716 = INikaia 58]
Pflaum, Cursus = Pflaum, H.G., Essai sur le Cursus Publicus sous le Haut-Empire romain, París 1940. [e.g.: Pflaum, Cursus 268-273 = McCabe, Ephesos 1141]
Pflaum, L'Afrique romaine = Pflaum, H.G., L'Afrique romaine, Scripta varia 1, París 1977. [e.g.: Pflaum, L'Afrique romaine 202-206 = McCabe, Ephesos 1782]
Pflaum, Legio VII Gemina = Pflaum, H.G., Legio VII Gemina, León 1970. [e.g.: Pflaum, Legio VII Gemina 359-360 n.5.2 = McCabe, Ephesos 1400]
Pflaum, Sodales = Pflaum, H.G., Les sodales Antoniniani de l'époque de Marc Aurèle, París 1966. [e.g.: Pflaum, Sodales 38 n.1 = McCabe, Ephesos 1369]
Pflaum, Thorigny = Pflaum, H.G., Le marbre de Thorigny, París 1948. [e.g.: Pflaum, Thorigny 46 = McCabe, Ephesos 1347]
Pfohl, Ant.Med. = Pfohl, G., Inschriften der Griechen. Epigraphische Quellen zur Geschichte der antiken Medizin, Darmstadt 1977. [e.g.: Pfohl, Ant.Med. p.66-78 = New Docs.2.21]
Pfohl, Geschichte und Epigramm = Pfohl, G., Geschichte und Epigramm. Ein kleines Quellenlesebuch griechischer Inschriften zum Studium der Geschichte und der Literatur, Stuttgart 1966[2]. [e.g.: Pfohl, Geschichte und Epigramm 1 = Pfohl, Griechische Inschriften 1]
Pfohl, Greek Poems = Pfohl, G., Greek Poems on Stones. Vol. I. Epitaphs. From the Seventh to the Fifth Centuries B.C., Leiden 1967. [e.g.: Pfohl, Greek Poems 170 = IMus.Pal.87]
Pfohl, Griechische Inschriften = Pfohl, G., Griechische Inschriften als Zeugnisse des privatens und öffentlichen Lebens, Tubinga 1980[2]. [e.g.: Pfohl, Griechische Inschriften 122 = IPerinthos 40]
Pfohl, Inschriften der Griechen = Pfohl, G., Inschriften der Griechen. Grab-, Weih- und Ehreninschriften, Darmstadt 1972. [e.g.: Pfohl, Inschriften der Griechen 88 ss. = IManisa 208]
Pfohl, Monument und Epigramm = Pfohl, G., Monument und Epigramm. Studien zu den metrischen Inschriften der Griechen, Nurnberh 1964. [e.g.: Pfohl, Monument und Epigramm 27-28 = Pfohl, Griechische Inschriften 27]
Pfuhl - Möbius = Pfuhl, E. y Möbius, H., Die Ostgriechischen Grabreliefs, I-II, Maguncia junto al Rin 1977-79 (I: nos. 1-1127; II: nos. 1128-2323). [e.g.: Pfuhl - Möbius 1005 = IKyzikos 1.17]
Pharos = Pharos. Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens, Amsterdam. [e.g.: Pharos 6, 1998, 168-169 = BE 2000.119]
Philia Epe = Fi/lia 7)/Eph. Studies presented to Georges Mylonas, Atenas 1987. [e.g.: Philia Epe II 102 = Achaean Grave Stelai 59]
Philipp, Mira et Magica = Philipp, H., Mira et Magica. Gemmen im Aegyptischen Museum der Staatlichen Museen Preussischer Kultur Berlin-Charlottenburg, Mainz am Rhein 1986. [e.g.: Philipp, Mira et Magica 45 n.36 = SB 13655]
Philippi at the time of Paul = Bakirtzis, Ch. - Koester, H. (eds.), Philippi at the time of Paul and after his death, Harrisburg 1998. [e.g.: Philippi at the time of Paul 28-35 = IJud.Or.1 Mac 12]
Philistor = Fili/stwr. [e.g.: Philistor 3, 1862, 346 = Kotsidu, Ehrungen *325]
Philologia = Philologia, Sofia. [e.g.: Philologia 16, 1984, 10 n.11 = IByzantion 189]
Philologus = Philologus. Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie, Berlín. [e.g.: Philologus 89, 1934, 125 = GVI 1991]
Philologus, Suppl. 14(1), 1920 = Bilabel, ®Die ionische Kolonisation¯, Philologus. Zeitschrift für das klassische Altertum. Supplementband XIV. Heft I, Gotinga 1920. [e.g.: Philologus, Suppl. 14(1), 1920 = BE 1922.p.428]
Philologus, Suppl. 2, 1863 = Philologus. Zeitschrift für das klassische Altertum. Zweiter Supplementband, Gotinga 1863. [e.g.: Philologus, Suppl. 2, 1863, 551-564 = BE 1952.43]
Philologus, Suppl. 22(3), 1931 = Herzog, R., Die Wunderheilungen von Epidauros, Philologus, Suppl. 22(3), Leipzig 1931. [e.g.: Philologus, Suppl. 22(3), 1931, 100-101 = Girone, Iamata 2.3]
Philologus, Suppl. 5, 1889 = Philologus. Zeitschrift für das klassische Altertum. Fünfter Supplementband, Gotinga 1889. [e.g.: Philologus, Suppl. 5, 1889, 26 n.25 = CMRDM 1.61]
Philologus, Suppl. 8, 1901 = Philologus. Zeitschrift für das klassische Altertum. Supplementband VIII, Gotinga 1899-1901. [e.g.: Philologus, Suppl. 8, 1901, 494 = McCabe, Smyrna 127]
Philotesia Kleiner = Philotesia Paul Kleiner dargebracht, Berlín 1907. [e.g.: Philotesia Kleiner 45-52 = Pugliese, Lamine 1B.1]
Phoenix = Phoenix. Journal of the Classical Association of Canada, Toronto. [e.g.: Phoenix 18, 1964, 13-17 = ISE 1]
Phoinike II = De Maria, S. - Gjongecaj, S. (ed.), Phoinike II. Rapporto preliminare sulla campagna di scavi e ricerche 2001, Bolonia 2003. [e.g.: Phoinike II 109-111 = BE 2005.54]
Phoinike III = De Maria, S. - Gjongecaj, S. (ed.), Phoinike. III. Rapporto preliminare sulla campagn di scavi e ricerche 2002-2003, Bolonia 2005. [e.g.: Phoinike III 141 = BE 2006.100]
Phoinike IV = De Maria, S. - Gjongecaj, S., Phoinike IV. Rapporto preliminare sulle campagne di scavi e ricerche 2004-2006, Bolonia 2007. [e.g.: Phoinike IV 227-238 = BE 2008.284]
Phoinikeia Grammata = Baurain, Cl. - Bonnet, C. - Krings, V. (eds.), Phoinikeia grammata. Studia phoenicia: Lire et écrire en Méditerranée. Actes du Colloque de Liège, 15-18 novembre 1989, Collection d'études classiques 6, Namur 1991. [e.g.: Phoinikeia Grammata 565-576 = BE 1992.230]
Phones Charakter Ethnikos = Hatzopoulos, M.B. (ed.), FWNHS XAPAXTHP EQNIKOS. Actes du Ve Congrès international de Dialectologie grecque. Athènes 28-30 septembre 2006, Meletemata 52, Atenas 2007. [e.g.: Phones Charakter Ethnikos 271-294 = BE 2008.127]
Phrygian Votive Steles = Drew-Bear, Th. - Thomas, C.M., The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. Phrygian Votive Steles, Ankara 1999. [e.g.: Sardis 100 = Phrygian Votive Steles 578]
PhW = (Berliner) Philologische Wochenschrift, Berlín; Leipzig. [e.g.: PhW 14, 1894, 907 = CMRDM 1.29]
Phyllobolia Mühll = Gigon, O. (ed.), Phyllobolia. Für Peter von der Mühll zum 60. Geburtstag am 1. August 1945, Basilea 1946. [e.g.: Phyllobolia Mühll 185-288 = BE 1946-47.29]
Picard, Chalcis = Picard, O., Chalcis et la Confédération Eubéenne, BEFAR 234, París 1979. [e.g.: Picard, Chalcis 275 nota 6 = McCabe, Magnesia 19]
Piccirilli = Piccirilli, L., Gli arbitrati interstatali greci. I. Relazioni interstatali nel mondo antico, París 1971. [e.g.: Piccirilli 52 = IPArk.15]
Piccirillo, Arabie = Piccirillo, M., L'Arabie chrétienne, París 2002. [e.g.: Piccirillo, Arabie 209-217 = BE 2003.606]
Piccirillo, Chiese = Piccirillo, M., Chiese e mosaici della Giordania settentrionale, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (Collectio Minor) 30, Jerusalén 1981. [e.g.: Piccirillo, Chiese 50-51 = Meimaris, Chronological systems 232 n.265]
Piccirillo, Jordan = Piccirillo, M., The Mosaics of Jordan, Amman 1993. [e.g.: Piccirillo, Jordan Gener. = BE 1995.643]
Piccirillo, Madaba = Piccirillo, M., Chiese e mosaici di Madaba, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Collectio Maior 34, Jerusalén 1989. [e.g.: Piccirillo, Madaba 231-233 = Michel, Jordanie 137]
Piccirillo, Santo Stefano = Piccirillo, M. - Alliata, E. (eds.), Umm al-Rasas. Mayfa'ah. I. Gli scavi el complesso di Santo Stefano, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Collectio Maior 28, Jerusalén 1994. [e.g.: Piccirillo, Santo Stefano 241-269 = BE 1996.503]
Pickard-Cambridge - Lewis = Pickard-Cambridge, A. - Gould, J. - Lewis, D.M., The Dramatic Festivals of Athens, Oxford 1968. [e.g.: Pickard-Cambridge - Lewis 316 n.11 = McCabe, Iasos 65]
Pickard-Cambridge = Pickard-Cambridge, S.A., The Dramatic Festivals of Athens, Oxford 1988[2]. [e.g.: Pickard-Cambridge 1 = Le Guen, Technites 1]
Pickard-Cambridge, Dionysus = Pickard-Cambridge, A.W., The Theatre of Dionysus in Athens, Oxford 1946. [e.g.: Pickard-Cambridge, Dionysus 259 = Sironen 42]
Picus = Picus, Studi e ricerche sulle marche d'antichità, Roma. [e.g.: Picus 12-13, 1992-93, 188-193 = BE 1996.563]
Piernavieja, Corpus de inscripciones deportivas = Piernavieja, P., Corpus de inscripciones deportivas en la Espa¤a romana, Madrid 1977. [e.g.: Piernavieja, Corpus de inscripciones deportivas 18 = De Hoz, EGH 5.4]
Pierret, Louvre = Pierret, P., Catalogue de la salle historique de la galerie égyptienne du Louvre, París 1877. [e.g.: Pierret, Louvre 168 n.680 = SB 5621]
Pikoulas = Pikoulas, I.A., 7(H xw/ra tw=n Pierw=n. Sumbolh\ sth\n topografi/a thj, Atenas 2001. [e.g.: IPhilippi 599 = Pikoulas 66]
Pilhofer, Kilikien = Pilhofer, S., Romanisierung in Kilikien? Das Zeugnis der Inschriften, Quellen und Forschungen zur Antiken Welt 46, Múnich, Herbert Utz Verlag, 2006. [e.g.: ICil.99 = Pilhofer, Kilikien 123 n.13]
Pilhofer, Philippi I = Pilhofer, P., Philippi. I. Die erste christliche Gemeinde Europas, Tubinga 1995. [e.g.: Pilhofer, Philippi I Gener. = BE 1996.280]
Pingiatoglou, Eileithyia = Pingiatoglou, S., Eileithyia, Würzburg 1981. [e.g.: Pingiatoglou, Eileithyia 160 n.E43 = Ath.Agora 18.594]
Pippidi, Beiträge = Pippidi, D.M., Epigraphische Beiträge zur Geschichte Histrias, Berlin 1962. [e.g.: Pippidi, Beiträge 26-34 = Migeotte, Emprunt 41]
Pippidi, Contributii = Pippidi, D.M., Contributii la storia veche a României, Bucarest 1967[2]. [e.g.: Pippidi, Contributii 260-266 n.1 = ICallatis 10]
Pippidi, Parerga = Pippidi, D.M., Parerga. Ecrits de philologie, d'épigraphie et d'histoire ancienne, Bucarest 1984. [e.g.: Pippidi, Parerga 195-207 = ICallatis 45]
Pippidi, Scythica Minora = Pippidi, D.M., Scythica Minora. Recherches sur les colonies grecques du littoral roumain de la mer noire, Bucarest 1975. [e.g.: Pippidi, Scythica Minora 111-120 = Migeotte, Emprunt 42]
Pippidi, St.istor.epigr. = Pippidi, Studii de istorie si epigrafie, Bucarest 1988. [e.g.: Pippidi, St.istor.epigr. 233-234 n.1 = ICallatis 92]
Pippidi, St.istor.rel.ant. = Pippidi, Studii de istorie a religiilor antice, Bucarest 1969. [e.g.: Pippidi, St.istor.rel.ant. 83-93 = ICallatis 49]
PIR[2] = Groag, E., Stein, A. y otros, Prosopographia Imperii Romani saec. I. II. III., Berlín 1933 ss. [e.g.: PIR[2] C, 1160-1162 = McCabe, Iasos 254]
Pircher, Lob = Pircher, J., Das Lob der Frau im vorchristlichen Grabepigramm der Griechen, Commentationes Aenipontanae 26, Innsbruck 1979. [e.g.: GVI 702 = Pircher, Lob 23]
Pirenne-Delforge, Aphrodite = Pirenne-Delforge, V., L'Aphrodite grecque: contribution à l'étude de ses cultes et de sa personnalité dans le panthéon archaïque et classique, Atenas - Lieja 1994. [e.g.: Pirenne-Delforge, Aphrodite 32-34 = Ath.Agora 18.12]
Pisani, Manuale storico = Pisani, V., Manuale storico della lingua greca, Brescia 1973[2]. [e.g.: Pisani, Manuale storico 116 = Duhoux, IDGA 23]
Pistiros II = Bouzek, J. - Domaradka, L. - Archibald, Z.H., Pistiros II. Excavations and Studies, Praga 2002. [e.g.: Pistiros II 209-228 = BE 2005.370]
Pistiros III = Bouzek, J. - Domaradzka, L. - Archibald, Z.H., Pistiros III. Excavations and Studies, Praga 2007. [e.g.: Pistiros III 221-235 = BE 2008.349]
Pittakis, Athènes = Pittakis, K., L'ancienne Athènes ou description des antiquités d'Athènes et de ses environs, dédié au roi, Atenas 1835. [e.g.: Pittakis, Athènes 313 ss. = Kotsidu, Ehrungen 40]
Plantzos, Gems = Plantzos, D., Hellenistic Engraved Gems, Oxford 1999. [e.g.: Plantzos, Gems Gener. = BE 2000.157]
Platon = Delti/on th=j 7(Etairei/aj 7(Ellh/nwn Filolo/gwn, Atenas. [e.g.: Platon 2, 1950, 3-5 = ILesb.35]
Platonos-Yiota, Acharnai = Platonos-Yiota, M., Axarnai/. Istorikh/ kai topografikh/ episko/phsh twn arxai/wn Axarnw/n, twn geitonikw/n dh/mwn kai twn oxurw/sewn thj Pa/rnhqaj, Acarnas 2004. [e.g.: IG 1[3].1131 = Platonos-Yiota, Acharnai 51]
Plaumann, Ptolemais = Plaumann, G, Ptolemais in Oberägypten. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Hellenismus in Ägypten, Leipziger Historische Abhandlungen 18, Leipzig 1910. [e.g.: OGI 47 = Plaumann, Ptolemais 4 n.1]
Pleket, Epigraphica I = Pleket, H.W., Epigraphica. Vol. I. Texts on the economic history of the greek world, Leiden 1964. [e.g.: Pleket, Epigraphica I 1 = Koerner 66]
Pleket, Epigraphica II = Pleket, H.W., Epigraphica. Vol. II. Texts on the social history of the greek world, Leiden 1969. [e.g.: Pleket, Epigraphica II 3 = IKyme 13]
PLugd.Bat. XXIX = Verhoogt, A.M.F.W., Menches, Komogrammateus of Kerkeosiris, Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 29, Leiden 1998. [e.g.: PLugd.Bat. XXIX 216-218 = SB 16229]
PMFIA = Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens, Helsinki. [e.g.: PMFIA 7, 2001, 19-35 = BE 2002.149]
PMHS = Proceedings of the Massachussetts Historical Society, Columbia. [e.g.: PMHS 71, 1953-57, sin paginación = BE 1960.135]
PMich. III = Winter, J.G., Michigan Papyri. Vol. III. Miscellaneous Papyri, Ann Arbor 1936. [e.g.: PMich. III p.292 = SB 8913]
PMich. XVI = Martinez, D.G., A Greek love charm from Egypt (P.Mich.757), Atlanta (ASP 30) 1991. [e.g.: PMich. XVI 575 = Jordan, NGCT 93]
Poccetti, Prénoms = Poccetti, P. (ed.), Les prénoms de l'Italie antique. Journée d'études, Lyon, 26 janvier 2004, Ricerche sulle lingue di frammentaria attestazione 5, Pisa - Roma 2008. [e.g.: Poccetti, Prénoms 15-38 = BE 2009.73]
Pococke, Inscr.Ant. = Pococke, J. - Milles, J., Inscriptionum antiquarum Graecarum et Latinarum liber, Londres 1752. [e.g.: Pococke, Inscr.Ant. 12 = ILaod.Lyk.47]
Poerner, De curetibus = Poerner, J. De curetibus et corybantibus, Diss. Halle 1913. [e.g.: Poerner, De curetibus 295(32) = McCabe, Ephesos 2039]
Poésie et lyrique antique = Dubois, L. (ed.), Poésie et lyrique antiques. Actes du Colloque organisé para Claude Meillier à l'Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille III du 2 au 4 juin 1993, Lille 1995. [e.g.: Poésie et lyrique antique 149-160 = BE 1996.14]
Pognon, Inscriptions = Pognon, M., Inscriptions sémitiques de la Syrie, de la Mésopotamie et de la région de Mossoul, París 1907. [e.g.: Pognon, Inscriptions 79 n.42 = CIIud.1417]
Pohl, De Graecorum medicis publicis = Pohl, R., De Graecorum medicis publicis, Berlín 1905. [e.g.: Pohl, De Graecorum medicis publicis 38 n.64 = McCabe, Tralles 241]
Poidebard, Trace = Poidebard, A., La trace de Rome dans le désert de Syrie, París 1934. [e.g.: Poidebard, Trace lám. 101-102 = IJEuphrat 706]
Poikila = Poiki/la, Meletemata 10, Atenas 1990. [e.g.: Poikila 287-292 = BE 1991.123]
Poikila Epigraphica = Brixhe, Cl. (ed.), Poikila Epigraphica, Études d'archéologie classique 9, París 1997. [e.g.: Poikila Epigraphica 91-102 = BE 1998.242]
Poland, De collegiis = Poland, F., De collegiis arteficum Dionysiacorum, Dresden 1895. [e.g.: Poland, De collegiis 13 = Kotsidu, Ehrungen 54]
Poland, Vereinswesen = Poland, F., Geschichte des griechischen Vereinswesens, Leipzig 1908. [e.g.: Poland, Vereinswesen 150-151 n.H26 = RDGE 57]
Poleis e Politeiai = Cataldi, S. (ed.), Poleis e Politeiai. Atti del Convegno internaz. di Storia Greca, 29-31 maggio 2002, Turín 2004. [e.g.: Poleis e Politeiai 19-30 = BE 2005.130]
Polemon = 7)Episthmoniko\n a)rxaiologiko\n periodiko/n, Atenas. [e.g.: Polemon 1, 1929, 37-38 = GVI 77]
Poleni, Supplementa = Poleni, G., Utriusque Thesauri antiquitatum Romanarum Graecarumque nova Supplementa, Venecia 1737, 5 vols. [e.g.: Poleni, Supplementa IV 1345-1346 n.82 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 13]
Politeia = Politei/a, Atenas. [e.g.: Politeia 6, 1982, 51-64 = BE 1988.45]
Polydipsion Argos = v. BCH, Suppl. 22, 1992.
Pompeianische Wandinschriften = Geist, H. - Krenkel, W., Pompeianische Wandinschriften, Munich 1960[2]. [e.g.: Pompeianische Wandinschriften n.A 38 = RICIS 504-0209]
Pompejanische Inschriften = Krenkel, W., Pompejanische Inschriften, Leipzig 1961. [e.g.: Pompejanische Inschriften p.18 = RICIS 504-0202-03]
Pomtow, Beiträge = Pomtow, H., Beiträge zur Topographie von Delphi, Berlín 1889. [e.g.: Pomtow, Beiträge 113 n.2 = SIG 903A]
Pomtow, Delphica = Pomtow, H., Delphica I-III, Berlín 1906-11. [I: 1906; II: 1909; III: 1911]. [e.g.: Pomtow, Delphica II 14 = SIG 140]
Pomtow, Dodona = Pomtow, H., ®Die Orakelinschriften von Dodona¯, JKPh 1883, pp.305-360. [e.g.: Carapanos XXXVIII 8 = Pomtow, Dodona n.38]
Pontica = Pontica. Studii si materiale de istorie, arheologie si muzeografie, Constanza. [e.g.: Pontica 6, 1973, 7-71 = BE 1974.364]
Ponto-Baltica = Ponto-Baltica, Milán. [e.g.: Ponto-Baltica 2-3, 1982-83, 90 = Samsaris 103]
Popescu, Florilegium = Popescu, E., Christianitas Daco-Romana. Florilegium Studiorum, Bucarest 1994. [e.g.: Popescu, Florilegium Gener. = BE 1995.726]
Popovic, Bijoux romains = Popovic, I., Les bagues. Les bijoux romains du musée de Belgrade, Belgrado 1992. [e.g.: Popovic, Bijoux romains 34 = BE 1996.99]
Porson - Kidd, Tracts = Tracts and miscellaneous criticisms of the late Richard Porson. Collected and arraged by the Rev. Thomas Kidd, Londres 1815. [e.g.: Porson - Kidd, Tracts 44 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 16]
Porter, Damascus = Porter, J.L., Five years in Damascus, Londres 1855. [e.g.: Porter, Damascus I 330 = LW 2552]
Posamentir, Grave Stelai = Posamentir, R. ®Catalog of Inscriptions¯, Chersonesan Studies 1. The Polychrome Grave Stelai from the Early Hellenistic Necropolis, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2010, pp.429-454. [e.g.: SEG 28.634 = Posamentir, Grave Stelai 57]
Pottier - Reinach, Myrina = Pottier, E. - Reinach, S., La nécropole de Myrina, París 1888. [e.g.: Pottier - Reinach, Myrina I 113 n.3 = GVI 999]
Pouilloux, Archiloque = Pouiloux, J., D'Archiloque à Plutarque. Littérature et rélité. Choix d'articles, Lyon 1986. [e.g.: Pouilloux, Archiloque 306-316 = IChoix Delphes 83]
Pouilloux, Choix = Pouilloux, M., Choix d'inscriptions grecques, París 1960. [e.g.: Pouilloux, Choix 1 = Bertrand, IHG 86]
Pouilloux, Énigmes = Pouilloux, J. - Roux, G., Énigmes à Delphes, París 1963. [e.g.: Pouilloux, Énigmes 67-68 = Lazzarini, Formule 985]
Pouilloux, Thasos = Pouilloux, J. Guide de Thasos, París 1967. [e.g.: Pouilloux, Thasos 172 = Jaccotet, Dionysos 31]
Poulsen, Hecatomnid Caria = Poulsen, R., Hecatomnid Caria and the Ionian Renaissance, Odense 1994. [e.g.: Poulsen, Hecatomnid Caria 118-120 = BE 1996.86]
Pouqueville, Voyage = Pouqueville, F.C.H.L., Voyage en Grèce, París 1820-22. [e.g.: Pouqueville, Voyage IV 101-102 = Oliver, Sacred Gerusia 125 n.29]
Powell, Coll.Alex. = Powell, J.U., Collectanea Alexandrina, Oxford 1925 [1970]. [e.g.: Powell, Coll.Alex. 134-135 = Girone, Iamata 2.2]
Powell, New Chapters III = Powell, J.U., New Chapters in the History of Greek Literature, III, Oxford 1933. [e.g.: Powell, New Chapters III 202-203 = IJEuphrat 402]
POxy LV = Rea, J., The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LV, Londres 1988. [e.g.: POxy. LV p.183 = SB 15621]
PP = La Parola del Passato, Rivista di studi antichi, Nápoles. [e.g.: PP 12, 1957, 375-377 = IMEG 64]
PraceA = Prace Archeologiczne, Cracovia. [e.g.: PraceA 1972, 45-59 = BE 1974.574]
Prakt. I Kypr.Syn. = Karagiorge, B. - Christodoulou, A. (eds.), Praktika tou protou Diethnous Kyprologikou Synedriou (Leukosia, 14-19 Apriliou 1969), Nicosia 1972. [e.g.: Prakt. I Kypr.Syn. I 141-150 = BE 1973.506]
Prakt. I Symp.Edessa = Praktika\ A' Panellhni/ou 7)Episthmonikou= Sumposi/ou. 7(H 7)/Edessa kai\ h( Perioxh/ thj. 7(Istori/a kai\ Politismo/j. 7)/Edessa 4, 5 kai\ 6 Dekembri/ou 1992, Edesa 1995. [e.g.: Prakt. I Symp.Edessa 13-26 = BE 1996.250]
Prakt. I Syn.Galax. = Themelis, P., To Galaci/di apo/ thn Arxaio/thta ewj sh/mera, Praktika/ prw/tou episthmonikou/ Sunedri/ou Galaci/di, 29-30 Sept. 2000, Atenas 2003. [e.g.: Prakt. I Syn.Galax. 27-33 = BE 2005.225]
Prakt. I Syn.Pel. = Praktika tou protou diethnous synedriou peloponnesiakón spoudon, II, Atenas 1976. [e.g.: Prakt. I Syn.Pel. 20-22 = BE 1976.261]
Prakt. II Syn.El. = Praktika/ tou= b topikou= sunedri/ou 7)Hleiakw=n spoudw=n, Peloponnesiaka 15, Atenas 1989. [e.g.: Prakt. II Syn.El. 333-335 = BE 1991.133]
Prakt. III Kypr.Syn. = Praktika/ tou= Tri/tou Dieqnou=j Kuprologikou= Sunedri/ou (Leukwsi/a, 16-20 7)Aprili/ou 1996), Nicosia 2000. [e.g.: Prakt. III Kypr.Syn. 171-181 = BE 2002.497]
Prakt. III Symp.Siphn. = Praktika/ G' dieqnou/j Sifnai+kou/ sumposi/ou eij mnh/mhn N. Berni/kou-Eugeni/dh, Atenas 2009. [e.g.: Prakt. III Symp.Siphn. 85-94 = BE 2010.486]
Prakt. IV Syn.Pel. II = Praktika tou D' diethnous synedriou peloponnesiakón spoudon, II, Atenas 1992-93. [e.g.: Prakt. IV Syn.Pel. II 11-16 = BE 1994.344]
Prakt. Symp. Chalk. = Praktika\ tou= prw/tou Panellhni/ou sumposi/ou i(stori/aj kai\ a)rxaiologi/aj th=j Xalkidikh=j, Polu/ghroj, 7-9 Dekembri/ou 1984, Salónica 1987. [e.g.: Prakt. Symp. Chalk. 157-192 = BE 1989.457]
Prakt. V Syn.Pel. = Actes du V Congrès International des Études péloponnesiennes. Argos-Nauplion 6-10.11.1995, Atenas 1996-97, 2 vols. [e.g.: Prakt. V Syn.Pel. II 165-192 = IAchaïe 112]
Prakt. VI Syn.Pel. = Praktika\ tou= j' dieqnou\j sunedri/ou Peloponnhsiakw=n spoudw=n, Atenas 2001-2002. [e.g.: Prakt. VI Syn.Pel. 330-340 = BE 2003.93]
Prakt. XI Syn.Klass. = Praktika\ IA' Dieqnou=j Sunedri/ou Klassikw=n Spoudw=n, Kaba/la 28-30 Au)gou/stou 1999, Atenas 2001-2002, 2 vols. [e.g.: Prakt. XI Syn.Klass. II 752 = IGLTyr 147]
Prakt. XVIII Panell. Hist. Syn. = IQ Panellh/nio 7(Istoriko/ Sune/drio 29, 30, 31 Mai+/ou 1998, Praktika/, Tesalónica 1999. [e.g.: Prakt. XVIII Panell. Hist. Syn. 15-34 = BE 2000.425]
PraktAkadAth = Praktika tes Akademias Athénon, Atenas. [e.g.: PraktAkadAth 1931, 333-334 = BE 1951.124]
Praktika = Praktika\ th=j e)n 7)Aqh/naij 7)Arxaiologikh=j 7(Etairei/aj, Atenas. [e.g.: Praktika 1880, 68 = Rhamnonte 67]
Praktika Bolos = Archaiologiko Ergo Thessalias kai Stereas Hellaods. Praktika epistemonikes synanteseos, Bolos 27.2-2.3.2003, Bolos 2003. [e.g.: Praktika Bolos 125 = BE 2006.232]
Praktika Pherai = Praktika 3. diethnous synedriou "Pherai - Belestino - Regas", Atenas 2003. [e.g.: Praktika Pherai 203-209 = BE 2006.236]
Praschniker - Schober, Albanien = Praschniker, C. - Schober, A., Archaeologische Forschungen in Albanien und Montenegro, Viena 1919. [e.g.: Praschniker - Schober, Albanien 45 = IDyrrh.56]
Prato = Prato, Storia e Arte, Prato. [e.g.: Prato 11, 1970, 81-87 = BE 1973.548]
Prêtre - Charlier = Prêtre, C. - Charlier, Ph., Maladies humaines. Thérapies divines. Analyse épigraphique et paléopathologique de textes de guérison grecs, Villeneuve-d'Ascq 2009. [e.g.: IG 4[2].123 = Prêtre - Charlier 3]
Preatti XI Congr.Epigr. = XI Congresso Internazionale di Epigrafia Greca e Latina. Roma 18-24 settembre 1997. Preatti, Roma 1997. [e.g.: Preatti XI Congr.Epigr. 302 = HTCarie 14]
Preger = Preger, Th., Inscriptiones graecae metricae ex scriptoribus praeter Anthologiam collectae, Leipzig 1891 [Chicago 1977]. [e.g.: Preger 200 = GVI 3]
Preisigke - Spiegelberg, Gebel Silsile = Preisigke, F. - Spiegelberg, W., Aegyptische und griechische Inschriften und Graffiti aus den Steinbrüchen des Gebel Silsile (Oberägypten), Estrasburgo 1915. [e.g.: Preisigke - Spiegelberg, Gebel Silsile n.24-25 = SB 6843-6844]
Preisliste Rustafjaell = Rustafjaell, R. de, Preisliste der Sammlung Rustafjaell bei den Altertumshändlern Sotheby, Wilkinson u. Hodge in London, 1906. [e.g.: Preisliste Rustafjaell lám. 9 n.6 = SB 5660]
Prellwitz, De dialecto Thessalica = Prellwitz, De dialecto Thessalica, Gotinga 1885. [e.g.: Prellwitz, De dialecto Thessalica 38 = GDI 1557]
Presenza di Tebe = Angeli Bernardini, P. (ed.), Presenza e funzione della città di Tebe nella cultura greca, Pisa - Roma 2000. [e.g.: Presenza di Tebe 345-366 = BE 2001.224]
Prêtre, Choix = Prêtre, C., Nouveau choix d'inscriptions de Délos. Lois, comptes et inventaires, Études épigraphiques 4, París 2002. [e.g.: ID 104 = Prêtre, Choix 3]
Preuschen, Analecta = Preuschen, E., Analecta. Kürzere Texte zur Geschichte der alten Kirche und des Kanons. I Staat und Christentum bis auf Konstantin. Kalendarien, Sammlung ausgewählter kirchen- und dogmengeschichtlicher Quellenschriften 8.1, Tubinga 1909 [Frankfurt 1968]. [e.g.: Preuschen, Analecta 149-150 = IMontan.69]
PRIA = Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, The Royal Irish Academy. Section C. [e.g.: PRIA 99, 1999, 73-113 = BE 2001.12]
Price, Antikythera = de Sola Price, D., Gears from the Greeks. The Antikythera mechanism, A calendar computer from ca. 80 B.C., Transactions of the American Philosophical Society VII, Philadelphia 1974. [e.g.: Price, Antikythera = BE 1976.113]
Price, Religions = Price, S., Religions of the Greeks, Cambridge 1999. [e.g.: IEphesos 10 = Price, Religions 7]
Pridik, Ceos = Pridik, A., De Cei insulae rebus, Berlín 1892. [e.g.: Pridik, Ceos 176 n.137 = GDI 2660]
Princeton Exp.Inscr. III = Prentice, W.K., Publications of an American Archaeological Expedition to Syria in 1898-1900. III. Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Nueva York 1908. [e.g.: Princeton Exp.Inscr. III 335 n.437 = GVI 270]
Princeton Exp.Inscr. IIIA = Littmann, E. - Magie, D. - Stuart, D.R., Publications of the Princeton University, Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-5 and 1909, Division III, Greek and Latin inscriptions, Section A., Leiden, Brill, 1904-21. [e.g.: Princeton Exp.Inscr. IIIA 12 = Gerasa 231]
Princeton Exp.Inscr. IIIB = Prentice, W. K., Publications of the Princeton University, Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-5 and 1909, Division III, Greek and Latin inscriptions, Section B. Northern Syria, Leiden, Brill, 1908-22. [e.g.: Princeton Exp.Inscr. IIIB 829 = BE 1949.191]
Princeton Exp.Inscr. IVA = Littmann, E., Publications of the Princeton University, Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-5 and 1909, Division IV, Semitic Inscriptions, Section A. Nabataean Inscriptions, Leiden 1914. [e.g.: Princeton Exp.Inscr. IVA 38 = Quellen Nabatäer F.038.01]
Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts = Pritchard, J.B., Ancient Near Eastern Texts, Princeton 1969[3]. [e.g.: Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts 317 = Austin 189]
Pritchett = Pritchett, W.K., Studies in Ancient Greek Topography, I-II, Berkeley - Los Angeles 1965-69. [e.g.: BCH 94, 1970, 606 = Pritchett 88-89 + lám. 64]
Pritchett VI = Pritchett, W.K., Studies in Ancient Greek Topography, VI, Berkeley - 1989. [e.g.: Pritchett VI 84-87 = BE 1992.66]
Pritchett - Meritt, Chronology = Pritchett, W.K. - Meritt, B.D., The Chronology of Hellenistic Athens, Cambridge, Mass. 1940. [e.g.: Pritchett - Meritt, Chronology 100-101 = Ath.Decr.219]
Prix et formation des prix = Economie antique. Prix et formation des prix dans les économies antiques, St. Bertrand-de-Comminges 1997. [e.g.: Prix et formation des prix 33-52 = BE 1998.114]
Problèmes de corrélation = Problèmes de corrélation des sources écrites et archéologiques, San Petersburgo 2005. [e.g.: Problèmes de corrélation II 150-156 = BE 2008.389]
Proc. I Austr. Cong. Class. Arch. = Descoeudres, J.P. (ed.), Greek Colonists and Native Population. Proceedings of hte First Australian Congress of Classical Archeology, Sydney 1985, Canberra - Oxford 1990. [e.g.: Proc. I Austr. Cong. Class. Arch. 169-180 = BE 1991.670]
Proc. II Nicopolis = Zachos, K.L. (ed.), Nikopolis B. Proceedings of the Second International Nicopolis SYmposium (11-15 September 2002), Preveza 2007. [e.g.: Proc. II Nicopolis I 563-569 = BE 2008.42]
Proc. III Sem. Ancient Greek Cult = The Role of Religion in the early Greek Polis. Proceedings of the third International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult organised by the Swedish Institute at Athens, 16-18 October 1992, Estocolmo 1996. [e.g.: Proc. III Sem. Ancient Greek Cult 111-125 = BE 1997.56]
Proc. III Symp.Lycia = Proceedings of the IIIrd Symposium on Lycia. Ed. K. Dörtlük et al., Antalya 2006. [e.g.: Proc. III Symp.Lycia 647-655 = BE 2007.466]
Proc. Nicopolis = Proceedings of the first International Symposium on Nicopolis (23-29 September 1984), Preveza 1987. [e.g.: Proc. Nicopolis 153-167 = BE 1988.787]
Proc. VI Conf.Plut. = de Blois, L. et alii (ed.), The Statesman in Plutarch's Works. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Intern. Plutarch Society, Nijmegen/Castle Hernen May 1-5 2002, Leiden 2004. [e.g.: Proc. VI Conf.Plut. 19-31 = BE 2005.241]
Proc. X Int. Cong. Class. Arch. Ankara = Proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Ankara 1978. [e.g.: Proc. X Int. Cong. Class. Arch. Ankara 867-874 = McCabe, Ephesos 388]
Proc. XVI Congr.Pap. = Proceedings of the XVI International Congress of Papyrology (New York 24-31 July 1980), Chico (ASP 23) 1981. [e.g.: Proc. XVI Congr.Pap. 209-214 = BE 1981.116]
Proc. XVIII Congr.Pap. = Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Papyrology (Athens 25-31 May 1986), Atenas 1988, 2 vols. [e.g.: Proc. XVIII Congr.Pap. II 219-220 = Gager 22]
Proc. XX Congr.Pap. = Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists. Copenhagen, 23-29 August, 1992. Collected by A. Bülow-Jacobsen, Copenhague 1994. [e.g.: Proc. XX Congr.Pap. 160-164 = BE 1995.664]
Procédés synchroniques = Procédés synchroniques de la langue poétique en grec et en latin. Actes du colloque de l'Université de Rouen, Langues et cultures anciennes 9, Bruselas 2007. [e.g.: Procédés synchroniques 77-94 = BE 2008.300]
Procédures de condamnation = Mémoire et histoire: les procédures de condamnation dans l'Antiquité romaine. Ed. S. Benoist - A. Daguet-Gagey, Metz 2007. [e.g.: Procédures de condamnation 219-222 = BE 2007.502]
Proche-Orient chrétien = Proche-Orient chrétien, Jerusalén. [e.g.: Proche-Orient chrétien 46, 1996, 305-340 = BE 1998.517]
ProcJPES = Proceedings of the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society. [e.g.: ProcJPES 1, 1925, 79 = ICaes.Mar.180]
Prokesch, Denkwürdigkeiten = Prokesch, A., Denkwürdigkeiten und Erinnerungen aus dem Orient, vom Ritter Prokesch von Osten. Aus J. Schnellers Nachlass hrsg. von Ernst Münch, Stuttgart 1836-37, 2 vols. [e.g.: Prokesch, Denkwürdigkeiten I 149 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 316]
Prokesch, Erinnerungen = Prokesch, A., Erinnerungen aus Ägypten und Kleinasien, Viena 1829-31, 3 vols. [e.g.: Prokesch, Erinnerungen III 43 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 318]
Prolegomena = Prolegomena. Documenti e Studi storici e filologici, Roma. [e.g.: Prolegomena 1, 1952, 155-156 = GVI 1283]
Promis, Storia Torino = Promis C., Storia dell'antica Torino, Turín 1869. [e.g.: Promis, Storia Torino 319-321 n.128 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 210]
Proodos = Proodos, Esmirna. [e.g.: Proodos 1871, 602 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 553]
Propaganda - Selbstdarstellung = Weber, Gr. - Zimmermann, M.(ed.), Propaganda - Selbstdarstellung - Repräsentation im römischen Kaiserreich des 1.Jhs.n.Chr., Historia. Einzelschriften 164, Stuttgart 2003. [e.g.: Propaganda - Selbstdarstellung 317-348 = BE 2005.574]
Prosop.Ptol. = Peremans, W. - Van't Dack, E. Prosopographia Ptolemaica, Studia Hellenistica 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 27, Lovaina 1950-1968, 6 vols. [e.g.: Prosop.Ptol. V 13759 = BE 1974.410]
Prosop.Ptol. X = La'da, C.A., Prosopographia Ptolemaica. X. Foreign Ethnics in Hellenistic Egypt, Studia Hellenistica 18, Lovaina - París - Dudley, Mass. 2002. [e.g.: Prosop.Ptol. X Gener. = BE 2004.402]
Prosopographie et histoire religieuse = Baslez, M.-F. - Prévot, F. (eds.), Prosopographie et histoire religieuse. Actes du Colloque teni en l'Université Paris-XII-Val de Marne les 27 & 28 octobre 2000, París 2005. [e.g.: Prosopographie et histoire religieuse 9-34 = BE 2006.221]
Prospection Pelusium = Pelusium. Prospection archéologique et topographique de la région de Tell el-Kanaïs: 1993 et 1994, Stuttgart 1996. [e.g.: Prospection Pelusium 194-208 = BE 1997.673]
Prosphora Kyriakidis = Prosphora eis Stilpona P. Kyriakiden. Epi te eikosipentaeteridi tes kathegesias autou (1926-1951), Salónica 1953. [e.g.: Prosphora Kyriakidis 294-304 = BE 1955.145]
PRoss.Georg.1 = Zeretelli, G. - Kruger, O. - Jerntedt, P., Papyri Russischer und Georgischer Sammlungen, I, Tiflis 1925. [e.g.: PRoss.Georg.1.14 = GVI 816]
Protzmann, Skulpturen = Protzmann, H., Griechische Skulpturen and Fragmente der Staatlichen Kunstsammlung Dresden, Dresden 1989. [e.g.: Protzmann, Skulpturen 23 n.10 = Milet 6(3).1296]
ProvHist = Provenze historique, Marsella. [e.g.: ProvHist 149, 1992, 519-535 = BE 1994.17]
Pryce, Cat. Sculpt. Brit. Mus. = Pryce, F.N., Catalogue of Sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities of the British Museum. I 1. Prehellenic and Early Greek, Londres 1928. [e.g.: Pryce, Cat. Sculpt. Brit. Mus. I 1, 39 n.B17 = McCabe, Ephesos 906]
PSA = Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Londres. [e.g.: PSA 31, 1918-19, 37 = McCrum - Woodhead, Sel.Docs. 440]
PSAS = Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, Londres. [e.g.: PSAS 14, 1984, 9 = IJEuphrat 609]
PSBA = Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. [e.g.: PSBA 36, 1904, 92 n.5 = IAkoris 3]
PSchoyen = Pintaudi, R. (ed.), Papyri graecae Schoyen (PSchoyen I), Papyrologica Florentina 35, Florencia 2005. [e.g.: PSchoyen pp.163-258 = BE 2006.143]
Psoma, Olynthe = Psoma, S., Olynthe et les Chalcidiens de Thrace. Études de numismatique et d'histoire, Stuttgart 2001. [e.g.: Psoma, Olynthe Gener. = BE 2001.298]
PSQ = Political Science Quarterly, Nueva York. [e.g.: PSQ 68, 1953, 249-268 = BE 1954.38]
Puchstein, Epigr.Gr.Aeg. = Puchstein, O., Epigrammata graeca in Aegypto reperta, Estrasburgo 1880. [e.g.: Puchstein, Epigr.Gr.Aeg. 1 = IMEG 108]
Puech = Puech, B., Orateurs et sophistes grecs dans les inscriptions d'époque impériale, París 2002. [e.g.: IEphesos 1627 = Puech 273]
Pugliese, Asoka = Pugliese Carratelli, G. - Levi Della Vida, G., Un editto bilingue greco-aramaico di Asoka, Roma 1958 (= Scritti sul mondo antico, 1976, 47-60) [e.g.: Pugliese Carratelli, Asoka = IJEuphrat 202]
Pugliese, Iasos = Pugliese Carratelli, G., Studi si Iasos di Caria, Boll. d'Arte, Suppl. al n. 31-32, Roma 1987. [e.g.: Pugliese, Iasos 151-154 = BE 1988.171]
Pugliese, Istruzioni = Pugliese, G., Le lamine d'oro orfiche. Istruzioni per il viaggio altremondano degli iniziati greci, Milán 2001. [e.g.: Pugliese, Istruzioni 1A.1 = PEG II(2) 474]
Pugliese, Lamelles = Pugliese, Carratelli, G., Les lamelles d'or orphiques. Instructions pour le voyage d'outre tombe des initiés grecs, París 2003. [e.g.: Pugliese, Lamelles Gener. = BE 2004.10]
Pugliese, Lamine = Pugliese, G., Le lamine d'oro `Orfiche', Milán 1993. [e.g.: PP 29, 1974, 108-113 = Pugliese, Lamine 1A.1]
Pulpudeva = Pulpudeva, Semaines Philippopolitaines de l'histoire et de la culture thrace. 2. Plovdiv 4-19 octobre 1976, Sofia 1978. [e.g.: Pulpudeva = BE 1979.277]
PVWroclaw = Philologische Vortraege Wroclaw, Breslau. [e.g.: PVWroclaw 1959, 85-87 = BE 1960.344]
Pyrenae = Pyrenae: crónica arqueológica. Barcelona [e.g.: Pyrenae 13-14, 1977-78, 75-80 = RICIS 603-0801]
Pöhlmann - West, DAGM = Pöhlmann, E. - West, M.L., Documents of Ancient Greek Music. The extant melodies and fragments, Oxford 2001. [e.g.: ITralleis 219 = Pöhlmann - West, DAGM 23]
Pöhlmann, Musik = Pöhlmann, E., Denkmäler altgriechischer Musik, Nürnberg 1970. [e.g.: Pöhlmann, Musik n.18 = McCabe, Tralles 150]
Qadmoniot = Qadmoniot. A Journal for the Antiquities of Eretz-Israel and Bible Lands, Jerusalén. [e.g.: Qadmoniot 30, 1997, 14 = Samama 390]
QAL = Quaderni di archeologia della Libia, Roma. [e.g.: QAL 4, 1961, 14-15 = Peek, GVICyren.1]
QAV = Quaderni di Archeologia del Veneto, Venecia. [e.g.: QAV 12, 1996, 142-147 = BE 1998.179]
QDAP = Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine, Jerusalén - Londres. [e.g.: QDAP 10, 1942, 165-169 = BE 1946-47.214]
Qedem = Qedem. Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. [e.g.: Qedem 25, 1988, 155-156 n.2 = Meimaris, Chronological systems 221 n.224]
QFIAB = Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken, Tubinga. [e.g.: QFIAB 68, 1988, 1-19 = BE 1990.972]
QMAB = Quaderni del Museo archeologico F. Ribezzo di Brindisi. [e.g.: QMAB 13, 1980-87, 175-185 = RICIS 505-0301]
QTrip = Quaderni dell'Istituto Italiano di Tripoli, Tripoli. [e.g.: QTrip 3, 1967, 165-180 = BE 1972.622a]
Quaderni di Acme = Quaderni di Acme. Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Univ. degli Studi di Milano, Milán. [e.g.: Quaderni di Acme 9, 1987, 29-36 = BE 1988.368]
Quaderni di Acme 39, 1999 = Storiografia ed erudizione, Quaderni di Acme 39, Milán 1999. [e.g.: Quaderni di Acme 39, 1999, 87-97 = BE 2001.10]
Quaderni di Acme 59, 2003 = Achille Vogliano cinquant' anni dopo, Quaderni di Acme 59, ed. C. Gallazzi - L. Lehnus, Milán 2003. [e.g.: Quaderni di Acme 59, 2003, 53-72 = BE 2004.406]
Quaderni di Acme 7, 1986 = Contributi di Orientalistica, Glottologia e Dialettologia, Quaderni di Acme 7, Milán 1986. [e.g.: Quaderni di Acme 7, 1986, 75-80 = ISic.MG 2.12]
Quaderns de Treball = Quaderns de Treball, Barcelona. [e.g.: Quaderns de Treball 4, 1981, 7 n.1 = De Hoz, EGH 2.8]
Quandt, De Baccho = Quandt, W., De Baccho ab Alexandri aetate in Asia Minore culto, Halle 1912. [e.g.: Quandt, De Baccho 133 = IAlex.Troas 69]
QuartRev = Quarterly Review, Londres 1809-67. [e.g.: QuartRev 19, 1818, 245 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 2359]
Quass, Honoratiorenschicht = Quass, F., Die Honoratiorenschicht in den Städten des griechischen Ostens. Untersuchungen zur politischen und sozialen Entwicklung in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit, Stuttgart 1993. [e.g.: Quass, Honoratiorenschicht Gener. = BE 1994.194]
QUCC = Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica, Roma. [e.g.: QUCC 20, 1975, 172-177 = IGDS 167]
Queipo, Systèmes metriques = Queipo, V.V., Essai sur les Systèmes Métriques et Monétaires des Anciens Peuples depuis les Premiers Temps historiques jusqu'a la fin du Khalifat D'Orient, París, 1859, 3 vols. [e.g.: Queipo, Systèmes metriques II 309 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 1762]
Quellen frühen Byzanz = Winkelmann, F. - Brandes, W. (eds.), Quellen zur Geschichte des frühen Byzanz (4.-9. Jahrhundert). Bestand und Probleme, Amsterdam 1990. [e.g.: Quellen frühen Byzanz 95 = Eisen, Officeholders 178]
Quellen Nabatäer = Hackl, U. - Jenni, H. - Schneider, Ch., Quellen zur Geschichte der Nabatäer. Textsammlung und Kommentar, Novum Testamentum et orbis antiquum 51, Friburgo - Gotinga 2003. [e.g.: Quellen Nabatäer Gener. = BE 2004.397]
Questions de religion cyrénénne = Dobias-Lalou, C. (ed.), Questions de religion cyrénénne, Karthago 27, París 2007. [e.g.: Questions de religion cyrénénne 103-129 = BE 2008.604]
Queyrel, Attalides = Queyrel, F., Les portraits des Attalides. Fonction et repréentation, BEFAR 308, Atenas 2003. [e.g.: Queyrel, Attalides 117 n.4 = IBoubon 22]
RA = Revue Archéologique, París. [e.g.: RA S2 11, 1870, I-II (= 21), 319 = Maier, GMBI 17]
RAAN = Rendiconti della Reale Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti, Nápoles. [e.g.: RAAN 36, 1961, 75-76 = Giacomelli 10]
RAAO = Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, París. [e.g.: RAAO 46, 1952, 1-18 = BE 1953.223]
Rabanal, León = Rabanal Alonso, M.A., Fuentes literarias y epigráficas de León en la Antigüedad. I, León 1982. [e.g.: Rabanal, León n.1 = RICIS 603-0901]
RABM = Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos, Madrid. [e.g.: RABM 56, 1950, 627 n.11 = De Hoz, EGH 19.1]
RABulgSc = Revue de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences et Arts, Sofia. [e.g.: RABulgSc 70, 1945, 201-211 = BE 1948.120]
RAC = Rivista di archeologia cristiana, Ciudad del Vaticano. [e.g.: RAC 55, 1979, 339-340 n.2 = INap.216]
Raccolta Lumbroso = Raccolta di Scritti in onore di G. Lumbroso, Milán 1925. [e.g.: Raccolta Lumbroso 333 = MAMA 5.257]
Raczynski, Dziennik podrózy, = Raczynski, E., Dziennik podrózy do Turcyi odbytey w roku 1814, Breslau 1821. [e.g.: Raczynski, Dziennik podrózy lám.55 n.1 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 592]
Radet, En Phrygie = Radet, G., ®En Phrygie. Rapport sur une mission scientifique en Asie Mineure¯, Nouvelles archives 6, 1895, pp.425-594. [e.g.: Radet, En Phrygie 565 n.9 = GVI 263]
Radt, Pergamon = Radt, W., Pergamon. Geschichte und Bauten, Funde und Erforschung einer antiken Metropole, Colonia 1988. [e.g.: Radt, Pergamon 170 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 891]
Raeder, Petworth House = Raeder, J., Die antiken Skulpturen in Petworth House (West Sussex), Monumenta Artis Romanae 28; Corpus signorum Imperii Romani III 9, Maguncia 2000. [e.g.: Raeder, Petworth House 225-228 = BE 2001.56]
Raepsaet, Attelages = Raepsaet, G., Attelages et techniques de transport dans le monde gréco-romain, Bruselas 2002. [e.g.: Raepsaet, Attelages 191-215 = BE 2003.110]
Raffeiner, Sklaven = Raffeiner, H., Sklaven und Freigelassene. Eine soziologische Studie auf der Grundlagedes griechischen Grabepigramms, Commentationes Aenipontanae 23, Innsbruck 1977. [e.g.: Raffeiner, Sklaven 74 n.48 = IKyzikos 1.528]
RAfr = Revue Africaine, Argel. [e.g.: RAfr 89, 1945, 281-286 = BE 1946-47.213]
Rahmani, Ossuaries = Rahmani, L.Y., A Catalogue of Jewish Ossuaries in the Collections of the State of Israel, Jerusalén 1994. [e.g.: SEG 8.197 = Rahmani, Ossuaries 23]
Rajak, Jewish Dialogue = Rajak, T., The Jewish Dialogue with Greece and Rome, Leiden 2001. [e.g.: Rajak, Jewish Dialogue 424-425 n.20 = IJud.Or.2.168]
Rakatsanis - Tziafalias, Thessalia I = Rakatsanis, K. - Tziafalias, A., La/treiej kai iera/ sthn Qessali/a A' Pelasgi/wtij, Dwdw/nh Para/rthma 63, Ioannina 1997. [e.g.: Rakatsanis - Tziafalias, Thessalia I Gener. = BE 1999.284]
Rakatsanis - Tziafalias, Thessalia II = Rakatsanis, K. - Tziafalias, A., Latrei/ej kai iera/ sthn arxai/a Qessali/a, B' Perraibi/a, Dwdw/nh Para/rthma 71, Ioannina 2004. [e.g.: Rakatsanis - Tziafalias, Thessalia II Gener. = BE 2007.360]
RAL = Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche dell'Accademia dei Lincei, Roma. [e.g.: RAL 41, 1986, 137-143 = ISic.MG 1.57]
Ramsay, Asianic Elements = Ramsay, W.M., Asianic Elements in Greek Civilisation, Londres 1927. [e.g.: Ramsay, Asianic Elements 102 = SGOst.14.2.8]
Ramsay, CB = Ramsay, W.M., Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, Oxford 1895-97. (I: pp.1-351; II: pp.352-762). [e.g.: Ramsay, CB 117 n.25 = IAlt.Hierap.8]
Ramsay, HGAM = Ramsay, W.M., The Historical Geography of Asia Minor, Londres 1890. [e.g.: Ramsay, HGAM p.435 = Inscr.Phryg.153]
Ramsay, Luke = Ramsay, W.M., Luke the Physician and other studies in the history of religion, Londres 1908. [e.g.: Ramsay, Luke 399 = ASR 87]
Ramsay, Revolution = Ramsay, W.M., The Revolution in Constantinople and Turkey, Londres 1909. [e.g.: Ramsay, Revolution 277 = French, Roman Roads 602]
Ramsay, SB = Ramsay, W.M., The Social Basis of Roman Power in Asia Minor, Aberdeen 1941. [e.g.: Ramsay, SB 100 n.81 = RECAM 2.452]
Ramsay, SERP = Ramsay, W.M. (ed.), Studies in the History and Art of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire, Aberdeen 1906. [e.g.: Ramsay, SERP 215 n.13 = IChristians 17]
Ramsay, St. Paul = Ramsay, W.M., The Cities of St. Paul, Londres 1907. [e.g.: Ramsay, St. Paul 396 = French, Roman Roads 602]
Ramsay - Bell, The thousand and one churches = Ramsay, W.M. - Bell, G.L., The thousand and one churches, Londres 1909. [e.g.: Ramsay - Bell, The thousand and one churches 518 n.8 = GVI 2037]
RAN = Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise, París. [e.g.: RAN 21, 1988, 19-59 = IGAI 7]
Rangabé, Antiquités helléniques = Rangabé, A.R., Antiquités helléniques, Atenas 1842-55. [e.g.: Rangabé, Antiquités helléniques 119-122 = SIG 94]
RAnt = Res antiquae, Bruselas. [e.g.: Res antiquae 4, 2007, 21-43 = BE 2008.525]
RAO = Recueil d'archéologie orientale [e.g.: RAO 3, 1889, 110 = SB 4278]
Raoul-Rochette, Topographie = Raoul-Rochette, D., Sur la topographie d'Athènes, París 1852. [e.g.: Raoul-Rochette, Topographie 14 = Sironen 31]
RArchLouv = Revue des archéologues et historiens d'art de Louvain, Lovaina. [e.g.: RArchLouv 9, 1976, 7-37 = BE 1977.582]
RAS = Revue archéologique Syrienne, Alepo. [e.g.: RAS 2, 1932, 91 ss. = GVI 1422]
Rasche, De Anth. epigrammatis = Rasche, W., De Anthologiae Graecae epigrammatis, quae colloquii formam habent, Münster 1910. [e.g.: Rasche, De Anth. epigrammatis 33 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 2691]
Ratiariensia = Ratiariensia. Studi e Materiali Mesici e Danubiani, Bolonia. [e.g.: Ratiariensia 3-4, 1985, 243-250 = IGBulg.5.5332]
Raubitschek, DAA = Raubitschek, A.E., Dedications from the Athenian Akropolis. A Catalogue of the Inscriptions of the Sixth and Fifth Centuries B.C., ed. with the collaboration of Lilian H. Jeffery, Cambridge, Mass. 1949. [e.g.: Raubitschek, DAA 1 = IG 1[3].592]
Raubitschek, School = Raubitschek, A.E., The school of Hellas. Essays on Greek history, archaeology, and literature, ed. D. Obbink, New York, Oxford Univ. Pr., 1991. [e.g.: Raubitschek, School 220-222 = Ath.Agora 18.29]
Ravagnan, Vetri Murano = Ravagnan, G.L., Vetri antichi del Museo vetrario di Murano. Collezioni di Stato, Corpus delle collezioni archeologiche del vetro nel Veneto 1, Venecia 1994. [e.g.: Ravagnan, Vetri Murano Gener. = BE 1997.129]
Raydan = Raydan. Journal of ancient Yemeni antiquities and epigraphy, Aden. [e.g.: Raydan 4, 1981, 97-116 = BE 1984.523]
Rayet - Thomas, Milet = Rayet, O. - Thomas, A., Milet et le Golfe Latmique, París 1877. [e.g.: Rayet - Thomas, Milet 51 = McCabe, Tralles 94]
RBi = Revue Biblique, París. [e.g.: RBi 10, 1901, 576-577 n.20 = GVI 2093]
RBLG = Boned, P. - Rodríguez Somolinos, J., Repertorio Bibliográfico de la Lexicografía Griega, DGE Anejo III, Madrid 1998. [e.g.: RBLG Gener. = BE 2000.14]
RBN = Revue Belge de Numismatique, Bruselas. [e.g.: RBN 122, 1976, 5-34 = BE 1977.146]
RBPh = Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, Bruselas. [e.g.: RBPh 1, 1922, 27 = TAM 5.1406]
RCA = Rozpravy Ceske Akademie Ved a Umeni. [e.g.: RCA 74, 1928, 50-52 n.20 = GVI 1145]
RCat = Revista de Catalunya, Barcelona. [e.g.: RCat 11, 1987, 41-56 = IGAI 1]
RCCatania = Rivista del comune di Catania. [e.g.: RCCatania 2(4), 1954, 111-114 = IMus.Catania 12]
RCCM = Riuista di Cultura classica e medioevale, Roma. [e.g.: RCCM 1, 1959, 113-126 = BE 1960.423]
RCel = Revue Celtique, París. [e.g.: RCel 1901, 1 = Bosch, Quellen 105]
RCl = Revista clasica, Bucarest. [e.g.: RCl 4-5, 1932-33, 51 ss. = GVI 1576]
RdA = Rivista di Archeologia, Roma. [e.g.: RdA 11, 1987, 7-12 = McCabe, Aphrodisias 916.05]
RDAC = Report of the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus, Nicosia. [e.g.: RDAC 1968, 79 n.13 = Test.Salaminia 249]
RDGE = Sherk, R.K., Roman Documents from the Greek East, Baltimore 1969. [e.g.: RDGE 12 = ISmyrna 589]
RE = Pauly-Wissowa Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, Stuttgart 1893 ss. [e.g.: RE, Suppl. XIV (1974) 320, 18-20 = Teiresias 76.29]
REA = Revue des Études Anciennes, Talence. [e.g.: REA 1, 1879, 41 n.2 = IB 32]
REAC = Ricerche di Egittologia e di Antichità Copte, Imola. [e.g.: REAC 7, 2005, 9-13 = BE 2005.581]
REArm = Revue des Études Arméniennes, París. [e.g.: REArm 2, 1965, 261-272 = BE 1966.437]
REAug = Revue des études augustiniennes, París. [e.g.: REAug 33, 1987, 85-89 = BE 1989.919]
Reber, Eretria X = Reber, K., Die klassischen und hellenistischen Wohnhäuser im Westquartier, Eretria 10, Lausana 1998. [e.g.: Reber, Eretria X 79 = BE 1999.112]
REByz = Revue des Études Byzantines, París. [e.g.: REByz 38, 1980, 229 = IPatras 292]
RECAM 2 = Mitchell, S., Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor II. The Ankara District. The Inscriptions of North Galatia, Ankara, British Institute of Archaeology, 1982. [e.g.: RECAM 2.129 = Strubbe, ARAI app.1 n.W]
RECAM 3 = Milner, N.P., Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor. III. An Epigraphical Survey in the Kibyra-Olbasa Region conducted by A.S. Hall, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara. Monograph 24, Oxford 1998. [e.g.: Ist.Mitt. 27-28, 1977-78, 289 n.2 = RECAM 3.1.2]
RECAM 4 = McLean, B.H., Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor IV. Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Konya Archaeological Museum, Oxford 2002. [e.g.: Hell.7.28 = RECAM 4.32]
RECAM 5 = Horsley, G.H.R., The Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the Burdur Archaeological Museum, Regional Epigraphic Catalogues of Asia Minor 5, Londres 2007. [e.g.: AS 44, 1994, 138-139 = RECAM 5.331]
RECapua = Chioffi, L., Museo Provinciale Campano di Capua. La Raccolta Epigrafica, vol. I, Capua 2005. [e.g.: RECapua 112 = LSA 2566]
RecConstant = Recueil des notices et mémoires de la Société Archéologique du Département de Constantine, Constantina. [e.g.: RecConstant 15, 1871-72, 421-422 = IMontan.92]
Record Mus. Hist. Art Princeton Univ. = Record of the Museum of historic art Princeton University, Princeton. [e.g.: Record Mus. Hist. Art Princeton Univ. IV 1, 1945, 9-10 = McCabe, Hyllarima 28]
Recueil Boegli = König, F.E. (ed.), Arculiana: Ioanni Boegli anno sexagesimo quinto feliciter peracto amici discipuli collegae socii dona dederunt. Recueil d'hommages à Hans Bögli, Avenches 1995. [e.g.: Recueil Boegli 523-528 = IAph2007 12.629]
Recueil Champollion = Recueil d'Études Egyptologiques dédiées à la mémoire de Jean-Fran‡ois Champollion, París 1922. [e.g.: Recueil Champollion 105 n.2a = SB 6613]
Recueil de travaux = Recueil de travaux relatifs à la philologie et l'archéologie égyptienne et assyrienne. [e.g.: Recueil de travaux 13, 1890, 63 = IGR 1.1157]
Recueil Grabar = Synthronon, Art et Archéologie de la fin de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Age (Recueil d'études André Grabar), París 1968. [e.g.: Recueil Grabar 29-41 = BE 1969.543]
Recueil Plassart = Recueil Plassart, Études sur l'Antiquité grecque offerts à André Plaaaart par ses collègues de la Sorbonne, París 1976. [e.g.: Recueil Plassart 119-123 = BE 1977.200]
Recueil Saidah = Archéologie au Levant. Recueil à la mémoire de Roger Saidah, Lyon - París 1982. [e.g.: Recueil Saidah 287-298 = BE 1983.450]
Recueil Vitalevic = EYXAPISTHPION. Recueil d'historiographie des sciences de l'antiquité à la mémoire de Jaroslav Vitalevic Domanskij, San Petersburgo 2007. [e.g.: Recueil Vitalevic 82-118 = BE 2008.361 bis]
Reddé, Douch = Reddé, M., Douch 4. Le Trésor. Inventaire des objets et essai d'interprétation, El Cairo 1992. [e.g.: Reddé, Douch Gener. = BE 1994.155]
REG = Revue des Études Grecques, París. [e.g.: REG 12, 1899, 387 n.16 = ISmyrna 109]
RÉgA = Revue de l'Égypte ancienne, París. [e.g.: RÉgA 2, 1929, 64-65 = SB 8167]
RÉgypt = Revue d'Égyptologie, París. [e.g.: RÉgypt 24, 1972, 20-24 = BE 1974.710]
REH = Revue d'Histoire ecclésiastique, Lovaina. [e.g.: REH 36, 1940, 131-142 = BE 1941.176]
Reinach, Catalogue Musée Imp. = Reinach, S., Catalogue du Musée impérial d'antiquités, Constantinopla 1882. [e.g.: Reinach, Catalogue Musée Imp. n.207 = Strubbe, ARAI 17]
Reinach, Chroniques = Reinach, S., Chroniques d'orient. Documents sur les fouilles et découvertes dans l'orient hellénique de 1883 à 1890, París 1891-96. [e.g.: Reinach, Chroniques I 708 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 1742]
Reinach, Cultes = Reinach, Cultes = Reinach, S., Cultes, mythes et religions, París 1905-23, 5 vols. [e.g.: Reinach, Cultes II 133 = IGLS 11.39]
Reinach, Koptos = Reinach, A.S., Rapport sur les fouilles de Koptos, París 1910. [e.g.: Reinach, Koptos 32 = SB 5074]
Reinach, Les Gaulois = Reinach, A.S., Les Gaulois dans l'art alexandrin, París 1908. [e.g.: Reinach, Les Gaulois 23 = SB 4992]
Reinach, Mithradates = Reinach, Th., Mithradates Eupator. König von Pontos, Leipzig 1895. [e.g.: Reinach, Mithradates Anhang n.13 = McCabe, Ephesos 135]
Reinach, Mithridate = Reinach, Th., Mithridate Eupator. Roi du Pont, París 1890. [e.g.: Reinach, Mithridate 457 n.5 = Kotsidu, Ehrungen *336]
Reinach, Reliefs = Reinach, S., Répertoire de reliefs grecs et romains, París 1909. [e.g.: Reinach, Reliefs II 168 n.4 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 2185]
Reinach, Traité = Reinach, S., Traité d'épigraphie grecque, París 1885. [e.g.: Reinach, Traité 153-155 = McCabe, Smyrna 11]
Reinach, Voyage = Reinach, S., Voyage archéologique en Grèce et en Asie Mineure sous la direction de M. Philippe LeBas, París 1888. [e.g.: Reinach, Voyage 115 n.2 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 2197]
Reinders, Halos = Reinders, W. New Halos. A hellenistic Town in Thessalia, Utrecht 1988. [e.g.: Reinders, Halos Gener. = BE 1991.316]
Reinesius, Syntagma = Reinesius, Th., Syntagma inscriptionum antiquarum, Leipzig - Frankfurt 1682. [e.g.: Reinesius, Syntagma 354 n.2 = IPatras 5]
Reinhold, Marcus Agrippa = Reinhold, M., Marcus Agrippa: A Biography, Roma 1965. [e.g.: Reinhold, Marcus Agrippa 116 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 336]
Reinmuth, Ephebic Inscr. = Reinmuth, O.W., The ephebic inscriptions of the fourth century B.C., Mnemosyne Suppl. 14, Leiden 1971. [e.g.: Reinmuth, Ephebic Inscr. 2 = Harding, From the End 108]
Reiter, Athen = Reiter, H.A., Athen und die Poleis des Delisch-Attischen Seebundes, Regensburg 1991. [e.g.: IG 1[3].227 = Reiter, Athen 43]
REJ = Revue des Études Juives, Lovaina. [e.g.: REJ 45, 1902, 161-162 = Bernand, Confins libyques 414 n.3]
REL = Revue des Études Latines, París. [e.g.: REL 39, 1961, 399-400 = BE 1963.312]
Religion and Power = Religion and Power in the Ancient World. Proceedings of the Uppsala Symposium 1993, Boreas 24, ed. P. Hellström - B. Alroth, Uppsala 1996. [e.g.: Religion and Power 139-182 = BE 2003.20]
Religion in the Ancient World = Religion in the Ancient World: New Themes and Approaches, ed. M. Dillon, Amsterdam 1996. [e.g.: Religion in the Ancient World 145-164 = BE 1999.219]
Religiöse Vereine = Religiöse Vereine in der römischen Antike, ed. U. Egelhaaf-Gaiser - A. Schäfer, Mohr 2002. [e.g.: Religiöse Vereine 69-80 = BE 2003.389]
Rémy, Carrières = Rémy, B., Les Carrières sénatoriales dans les provinces romaines d'Anatolie au Haut-Empire (31 av. J.-C. - 284 ap. J.-C.) (Pont-Bithynie-Galatie, Cappadoce, Lycie-Pamphylie et Cilicie, Estambul - París 1989. [e.g.: Rémy, Carrières 296 n.240, 2 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 1578]
Rémy, Pontica I = Rémy, B. (ed.), Pontica I, St. Etienne 1991. [e.g.: Rémy, Pontica I 117 n.1 = IJud.Or.2.160]
Rémy - Kayser = Rémy, B. - Kayser, F., Initiation à l'épigraphie grecque et latine, Lyon 1999. [e.g.: Jahrb. 71, 1956, Arch.Anz. 119 = Rémy - Kayser 97]
Renan, Mémoire = Renan, Mémoire = Renan, E., Mémoire sur la dynastie des Lysanias d'Abilène, París 1869. [e.g.: Renan, Mémoire 33 = IGLS 11.24]
Renan, Mission de Phénicie = Renan, E., Mission de Phénicie, París 1864-74. [e.g.: Renan, Mission de Phénicie p.103-104 = IGLS 4027]
Renard, Le Péloponnèse = Renard, J. (ed.), Le Péloponnèse. Archéologie et histoire, Rennes 1999. [e.g.: Renard, Le Péloponnèse 229-242 = BE 2001.215]
Renehan, Studies = Renehan, R., Studies in Greek texts. Critical observations to Homer, Plato, Euripides, Aristopanes and other authors, Hypomnemata 43, Gotinga 1976. [e.g.: Renehan, Studies 40-43 = BE 1981.264]
Renier, Mélanges d'épig. = Renier, L., Mélanges d'Epigraphie, París 1854. [e.g.: Renier, Mélanges d'épig. 126 = McCabe, Aphrodisias 70]
REp = Revue Épigraphique, París. [e.g.: REp 1, 1913, 143 n.1 = SB 7286]
RÉRoum = Revue des Études Roumaines, París. [e.g.: RÉRoum 5-6, 1960, 180-217 = ISE 131]
RESEE = Revue des Études du Sud-Est Européen, Bucarest. [e.g.: RESEE 3, 1965, 64 n.28 = IGLRom.204]
RESem. = Répertoire d' Epigraphie Sémitique, París 1900 ss. [e.g.: RESem. 2.811 = IEOG 83]
RÉtSE = Revue des Études sud-est-européennes, Bucarest. [e.g.: REtSE 7, 1969, 591-598 = BE 1972.311]
Reusch, Caracallavita = Reusch, W., Der historische Wert der Caracallavita in den SHA, Klio Bh. 24, Leipzig 1931. [e.g.: Reusch, Caracallavita 41-42 = McCabe, Apollonia Salbake 4]
Reusch, De diebus = Reusch, A., De diebus contionum ordinarium apud Athenienses, Estrasburgo 1879. [e.g.: Reusch, De diebus 126 = Kotsidu, Ehrungen *298]
RevMuz = Revista muzeelor, Bucarest. [e.g.: RevMuz 3(4), 1966, p. 336 = ICallatis 26]
Revue des Arts = La Revue des Arts. Musées de France, París 1951. [e.g.: Revue des Arts 7, 1957, 195-202 = IGLS 15.437]
RFAnkara = Revue de la Faculté de langues, d'histoire et de géographie de l'Université d'Ankara, Ankara. [e.g.: RFAnkara 7, 1949, 155 ss. = GVI 302]
RFIC = Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica, Turín. [e.g.: RFIC 104, 1976, 191 = IUrb.Rom.1543]
RGKB = Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Maguncia [e.g.: RGKB 32, 2002, 407-414 = IJEuphrat 401]
RH = Revue Historique, París. [e.g.: RH 163, 1930, 241 = Robert, Collection Froehner 70]
RHA = Revue hittite et asianique, París. [e.g.: RHA 5, 1939, 55-56 = BE 1940.164]
Rhamnonte = Pouilloux, J., ®Les inscriptions de Rhamnonte¯, en La forteresse de Rhamnonte (Études de topographie et d'histoire), París 1954, p. 106. [e.g.: Rhamnonte 9 = ISE 26]
RHD = Revue d'Histoire du Droit, Groninga. [e.g.: RHD 1930, 383-410 = BE 1930.p.230]
RHDF = Revue Historique de Droit Fran‡ais et Etranger, París. [e.g.: RHDF 69, 1991, 217-226 = IGAI 7]
Rhizos, Kappadokika = Rhizos, N.S, Kappadokika/, Estambul 1856. [e.g.: Rhizos, Kappadokika 113 = ITyana 29]
RhM = Rheinisches Museum, Frankfurt. [e.g.: RhM 107, 1964, 374-375 = IKyzikos 1.491]
Rhodes - Lewis, Decrees = Rhodes, P.J. - Lewis, D.M., Decrees of the Greek States, Oxford 1997. [e.g.: Rhodes - Lewis, Decrees Gener. = BE 1998.104]
Rhodes, GCS = Rhodes, P.J., The Greek city states: a sourcebook, Londres 1986. [e.g.: Rhodes, GCS 26b = Brun, Impérialisme 28]
Rhodes, GCS[2] = Rhodes, P.J., The Greek city states: a sourcebook. Second Edition, Londres 2007. [e.g.: OGI 221 = Rhodes, GCS[2] 466]
Rhodes, GHI = Rhodes, P., Greek Historical Inscriptions 359-323 B.C., Durham 1971 [1986[2]]. [e.g.: Rhodes, GHI 19a = Bringmann, Schenkungen 268]
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J. - Osborne, R., Greek Historical Inscriptions 404-323 BC, Oxford 2003. [e.g.: Hesperia 48, 1979, 180-193 = Rhodes - Osborne, GHI 11]
Rhodiaka 1 = Kontorini, V., Rhodiaka I. Inscriptions inédites relatives à l'histoire et aux cultes de Rhodes au IIe et au Ier s. av. J.-C., Lovaina 1983. [e.g.: Rhodiaka 1.2 = Ager, Arbitrations 165]
Rhodiaka 2 = Kontorini, V., 7)Ane/kdotej e)pigrafe/j 7(Po/dou, Atenas 1989. [e.g.: Rhodiaka 2.65 = ISE 162]
Rhomiopoulou, Roman Sculture = Rhomiopoulou, K., National Archaeological Museum. Collection of Roman Sculpture, Atenas 1997. [e.g.: Rhomiopoulou, Roman Sculture Gener. = BE 2003.266]
RHPhR = Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, París. [e.g.: RHPhR 1967, 355-357 = BE 1968.561]
RHR = Revue de l'histoire des religions, París. [e.g.: RHR 110, 1934, 102-103 = GVI 1975]
RHSEE = Revue historique du Sud-Est européen, Bucarest [e.g.: RHSEE 8, 1931, 226-227 = IGLBulg.79]
RIA = Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte, Roma. [e.g.: RIA 15, 1968, 40-41 = ISic.MG 2.48]
RIAF = Revista pentru istorie, arheologie si filologie, Bucarest. [e.g.: RIAF 9, 1903, 31 n.45 = IGLRom.169]
RIB = Collingwood, R.G. - Wright, R.P., The Roman Inscriptions of Britain, vol. I: Inscriptions on Stone, Oxford 1965; vol. II: Instrumentum domesticum, Gloucester 1990-95, fascs. 2-8 (2 (1990); 3 (1991); 4 (1992); 5 (1993); 6 (1994); 7-8 (1995)). [e.g.: SEG 28.830 = RIB 2503.551]
RIBelg = Revue de l'Instruction publique en Belgique, Bruselas. [e.g.: RIBelg 51, 1908, 283-287 = INikaia 501]
Ricci, Inscriptions grecques à Braunsberg = Ricci, S. de, ®Inscriptions grecques d'Égypte à Braunsberg et à St. Pétersbourg¯, REp 1, n.2-3, 1913, pp.141-163. [e.g.: Ricci, Inscriptions grecques à Braunsberg 164 n.24 = SB 6305]
Rice - Stambaugh = Rice, D.G. - Stambaugh, J., Sources for the study of Greek religion, Sources for Biblical Study 14, Missoula 1979. [e.g.: SIG 1004 = Rice - Stambaugh 127-128]
Rice, Art Byz. Era = Rice, D.T., Art of the Byzantine era, Londres 1994. [e.g.: Rice, Art Byz. Era 60 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 1331]
Ricerche Barbagallo = de Rosa, L. (ed.), Ricerche storiche ed economiche in memoria di Corrado Barbagallo, Nápoles 1970. [e.g.: Ricerche Barbagallo I 431-441 = BE 1971.94]
RICG I = Gauthier, N., Recueil des inscriptions chrétiennes de la Gaule. I. Première Belgique, París 1975. [e.g.: RICG I 240 = IBiblia 765]
RICG XV = Descombes, F., Recueil des inscriptions chrétiennes de la Gaule antérieures à la Renaissance carolingienne. XV. Viennoise du Nord, París 1985. [e.g.: RICG XV 64 = BE 1987.537]
Richter, Archaic Greek Art = Richter, G.M.A., Archaic Greek Art, Nueva York 1949. [e.g.: Richter, Archaic Greek Art p.89-90 = Duhoux, IDGA 1]
Richter, Bronzes = Richter, G.M.A., Greek, Etruscan and Roman Bronzes in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nueva York 1915. [e.g.: Richter, Bronzes 462-463 n.1831 = Kroll, Allotment Plates 5]
Richter, Furniture[2] = Richter, G.M.A., Ancient furniture: a History of Greek, Etruscan and Roman furniture. With an appendix by Albert W. Barker, Oxford 1926. [e.g.: Richter, Furniture[2] fig. 423 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 689]
Richter, Gems = Richter, G.M.A., Engraved Gems of the Greeks and the Etruscans, Londres 1968. [e.g.: Richter, Gems 121 n.467 = Guarducci, EGOTI 438]
Richter, Gravestones = Guarducci, M., ®Epigraphical Appendix¯, en Richter, G., The Archaic Gravestones of Attica, Londres 1961. [e.g.: Richter, Gravestones lám. 65 = GVI 159]
Richter, Korai = Richter, G.M.A., Korai, Londres 1901 [1968]. [e.g.: Richter, Korai 48-49 n.64 = Milet 6(3).1299]
Richter, Kouroi = Richter, G.M.A., Kouroi. Archaic Greek Youths, Londres 1970. [e.g.: Richter, Kouroi 86-87 n.77 = McCabe, Samos 199]
Richter, Portraits = Richter, G.M.A., The Portraits of the Greeks, Londres 1965, 3 vols. [e.g.: Richter, Portraits III p. 285 = McCabe, Smyrna 173]
Richter, Wallfahrten = Richter, O.F. von, Wallfahrten im Morgenlande. Aus seinen Tagebüchern und Briefen dargestellt von J.P.G. Ewers, Berlín 1822. [e.g.: Richter, Wallfahrten 570 n.31 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 1916]
Richter - Smith, Portraits = Richter, G. - Smith, R.R.R., The Portraits of the Greeks, Londres 1984. [e.g.: Richter - Smith, Portraits 177 = McCabe, Aphrodisias 916.05]
RICIS = Bricault, L., Recueil des inscriptions concernant les cultes isiaques (RICIS), París 2005. [e.g.: A&R 2, 1921, 167-175 = RICIS 112-0201]
Ricl, Confession = Ricl, M., La confession des fautes rituelles et éthiques dans les cultes méoniens et phrygiens, Belgrado 1995. [e.g.: Sardis 95 = Ricl, Confession 38]
Ricl, Hosios = Ricl, M., ®Hosios kai Dikaios. Première partie: Catalogue des inscriptions¯, EpigrAnat 18, 1991, pp.1-70 [e.g.: TAM 5.185 = Ricl, Hosios 1]
Ricl, Katagraphai = Ricl, M., ®Les katagrafai/ du sanctuaire d'Apollon Lairbenos¯, ADerg 3, 1995, pp.167-195. [e.g.: Ricl, Katagraphai n.1 = Ritti, Lairbenos K1]
RIDA = Archives d'histoire du droit oriental et Revue internationale des droits de l'antiquité, París - Bruselas. [e.g.: RIDA 1, 1948, 119-132 = BE 1951.32]
Ridder, Bronzes Louvre = de Ridder, A., Les bronzes antiques du Louvre, París 1913. [e.g.: Ridder, Bronzes Louvre II n.3334 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 477]
RIEAlic = Revista del Instituto de Estudios Alicantinos, Alicante. [e.g.: RIEAlic 1970, 7-18 = De Hoz, EGH 11.1]
Riemann, Iles Ioniennes = Riemann, O., Recherches archéologiques sur les îles ioniennes (I. Corfou, II. Céphalonie, III. Zante, IV. Cérigo), París 1880. [e.g.: Riemann, Iles Ioniennes IV 40 ss. = GDI 4558]
Riese, Das rhein. Germanien = Riese, A., Das rheinische Germanien in den antiken Inschriften, Berlín 1914. [e.g.: Riese, Das rhein. Germanien n.1975 = McCabe, Ephesos 2083]
Riewald, De imp.Rom. = Riewald, P., De imperatorum Romanorum cum certis dis et comparatione et aequatione, Halle 1912. [e.g.: Riewald, De imp.Rom. 302 n.46 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 604]
RIG = AA.VV., Recueil des inscriptions gauloises. I-IV, París 1985-98. [e.g.: RIG 11 = IGF 172]
RIGI = Rivista Indo-Greco-Italica, Nápoles. [e.g.: RIGI 9, 1925, 64 = IGDS 37]
Rigsby, Asylia = Rigsby, K.J., Asylia. Territorial Inviolability in the Hellenistic World, Berkeley - Los Angeles - Londres 1996. [e.g.: SIG 1158 = Rigsby, Asylia 165]
RIIN = Rivista dell' Istituto Italiano di Numismatica. [e.g.: RIIN 1(2), 1941, 263-265 = IPerge 271]
RIL = Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche, Milán. [e.g.: RIL 48, 1915, 688-689 = GVI 1233]
RIN = Rivista italiana di numismatica e scienze affini, Pavía. [e.g.: RIN 95, 1993, 288-289 = ISic.MG 4.21]
Ringel, Césarée = Ringel, J., Césarée de Palestine: Étude historique et archéologique, París 1975. [e.g.: Ringel, Césarée 17 n.2 = ICaes.Mar.133]
RIR = Revista istorica romana, Bucarest. [e.g.: RIR 16, 1946, 126-127 = ICallatis 59]
RISchweiz = Walser, G., Römische Inschriften in der Schweiz, Berna 1979-80. [e.g.: RISchweiz 187 = RICIS 609-0101]
RISteiermark = Weber, E., Die römerzeitlichen Inschriften der Steiermark, Graz 1969. [e.g.: RISteiermark 156 = RICIS 612-0601]
Ritti, Guida = Ritti, Guida epigraphica a Hierapolis di Frigia (Pamukkale), Estambul 2006. [e.g.: IAlt.Hierap.22 = Ritti, Guida 29]
Ritti, Immagini = Ritti, T., Immagini onomastiche sui monumenti sepolcrali di età romana, Roma 1977. [e.g.: Ritti, Immagini n.7 = McCabe, Smyrna 419]
Ritti, Lairbenos = Ritti, T. - Simsek, C. - Yildiz, H., ®Dediche e katagrafai/ dal santuario frigio di Apollo Lairbenos¯, EpigrAnat 32, 2000, pp.1-88. [e.g.: SEG 6.253 = Ritti, Lairbenos D2]
Ritti, Sigli = Ritti, T., Sigli ed emblemi sui decreti onorari greci, Roma 1969. [e.g.: Ritti, Sigli 315-316 n.75 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 1442]
RIU = Barcoczi, L. - Burger, A.S. - Fülep, F. - Mocsy, A. - Soproni, S., Die römischen Inschriften Ungarns. I-V, Budapest - Bonn 1972-91. [e.g.: RIU 1.100 = CGLB 331]
Rivautella - Ricolvi, Marmora Taurinensia = Rivautella, A. - Ricolvi, G.P., Marmora Taurinensia, Turín 1743-47, 2 vols. [e.g.: Rivautella - Ricolvi, Marmora Taurinensia I 185 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 210]
Rivista Egiziana = Rivista Egiziana, Alejandría. [e.g.: Rivista Egiziana 5, 1893, 342 n.43 = IGLAlex.59]
Rivista quindicinale = Rivista quindicinale, Alejandría. [e.g.: Rivista quindicinale 4, 1892, 8 = SB 8795]
RivStAnt = Rivista di Storia antica, Padua. [e.g.: RivStAnt 5, 1900, 26 n.41 = BE 1964.622]
RivTrip = Rivista della Tripolitania, Roma. [e.g.: RivTrip 1, 1924-25, 308 = IRom.Trip.832]
Rizakis, Achaia und Elis = Rizakis, A.D., Achaia und Elis in der Antike. Akten des 1. internationalen Symposiums über Achaia und Elia in der Antike, Meletemata 13, Atenas 1990. [e.g.: Rizakis, Achaia und Elis 314 = IPatras 24]
Rizakis, Achaïe I = Rizakis, A.D., Achaïe I. Sources textuelles et histoire régionale, Meletemata 20, Atenas 1995. [e.g.: Rizakis, Achaïe I 748 = IPatras 369]
Rizakis, Achaïe II = v. IPatras.
Rizzo, Lavoro = Rizzo, F.P., La menzione del lavoro nelle epigrafi della Sicilia antica (per una storia della mentalità), SEIA. Quaderni dell'Istituto di Storia Antica 6, Palermo 1989. [e.g.: IG 14.403 = Rizzo, Lavoro 1]
RKilikien = Heberdey, R. y Wilhelm, A., Reisen in Kilikien ausgeführt 1891 und 1892 im Auftrage der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wiener Denkschr. 44(6), Viena 1896. [e.g.: RKilikien 101 = Welles, RC 30]
RLAC = Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum, Stuttgart. [e.g.: RLAC III (1957) 926 = Eisen, Officeholders 199-200, 209]
RLing = Revue de Linguistique, Bucarest. [e.g.: RLing 6, 1961, 63-82 = BE 1962.76]
RLouvre = Revue du Louvre et des Musées de France, París. [e.g.: RLouvre 21, 1971, 331-334 = BE 1972.598]
RMG II(2) = Stern, H. - Blanchard-Lemée, M., Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule (Gallia, Suppl. X), II: Province de Lyonnaise, 2: Partie sud-est, París 1975. [e.g.: RMG II(2) 59-62 n.213 = IGF 156]
RMG III(2) = Lancha, J., Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule (Gallia, Suppl. X), III: Province de Narbonnaise, 2: Vienne, París 1981. [e.g.: RMG III(2) 33 n.230 = IGF 201]
RMG III(3) = Lavagne, H., Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule (Gallia, Suppl. X), III: Province de Narbonnaise. 3, Partie sud-est: cités des Allobroges, Vocontii, Bodiontici, Reii, Salluuii, Oxubii, Deciates, Vediantii, París 2000. [e.g.: RMG III(3) 98-100 n.568 = IGF 202]
RMHAPrinc = Record of the Museum of historic Art of the Princeton University, Princeton. [e.g.: RMHAPrinc 18, 1959, 53-59 = BE 1960.95]
RMNW = Rocznik Museum Narodowego w Warszawie, Varsovia. [e.g.: RMNW 14, 1970, 161-166 = Strubbe, ARAI 215]
RMNWarsz = Rocznik Muzeum Narodomego w Warszawie, Varsovia. [e.g.: RMNWarsz 14, 1970, 161-166 = BE 1971.654]
RN = Revue numismatique, París. [e.g.: RN 18, 1976, 32 = IEphesos 3817a]
Robert, ATAM = Robert, L., A travers l'Asie Mineure. Poètes et prosateurs, monnaies grecques, voyageurs et géographie, BEFAR 239, París 1980. [e.g.: Robert, ATAM 74 = IPrusias 29]
Robert, Choix = Robert, L., Choix d'écrits, París, Les Belles Lettres, 2007. [e.g.: Robert, Choix = BE 2007.11]
Robert, Collection Froehner = Robert, L., Collection Froehner, I, Inscriptions Grecques, París 1936. [e.g.: Robert, Collection Froehner 25 = IAlex.Troas T104]
Robert, DAM = Robert, L., Documents d'Asie Mineure, BEFAR 239 bis, París 1987. [e.g.: Robert, DAM 148 = IKyzikos 1.231]
Robert, DAMM = Robert, L., Documents de l'Asie Mineure Méridionale. Inscriptions, Monnaies et Géographie, Ginebra-París 1966. [e.g.: Robert, DAMM 44-52 = Sartre, Asie Mineure 66.2]
Robert, Epigraphik d. klass. Welt = Robert, L., Die Epigraphik der klassischen Welt, Bonn 1970. [e.g.: Robert, Epigraphik d. klass. Welt lám. 8 = McCabe, Iasos 200]
Robert, Ét.Épigr. et Phil. = Robert, L., Études Épigraphiques et Philologiques, Bibl.Éc. des Hautes Études 272, París 1938. [e.g.: Robert, Ét.Épigr. et Phil. 197 = ITralleis 153]
Robert, Ét.Num. = Robert, L., Études de Numismatique grecque, París 1951. [e.g.: Robert, Ét.Num. 105-135 = BE 1952.49]
Robert, Fouilles = Robert, L., Les fouilles de Claros. Conférence donnée à l' Université d' Ankara le 26 Octobre 1956, Limoges 1954, 29 pp. [e.g.: Robert, Fouilles = Robert, OMS 6.523-550]
Robert, Hiérapolis = Robert, L., La déesse d'Hiérapolis-Castabala, París 1964. [e.g.: Robert, Hiérapolis 29-30 = BE 1977.407]
Robert, L'épigramme grecque = v. Entretiens Hardt XIV.
Robert, Les Gladiateurs = Robert, L., Les Gladiateurs dans l'Orient grec, París 1940 [(H) 1971]. [e.g.: Robert, Les Gladiateurs 116 = ILaod.Lyk.28]
Robert, Monnaies grecques = Robert, L., Monnaies grecques. Types, légendes, magistrats monétaires et géographie, Ginebra - París 1967. [e.g.: Robert, Monnaies grecques 45 = IKeramos 40]
Robert, Noms indigènes = Robert, L., Noms indigènes dans l'Asie Mineure gréco-romaine, París 1963. [e.g.: Robert, Noms indigènes 146 = IEphesos 3833]
Robert, OMS = Robert, L., Opera Minora Selecta I-VII, Amsterdam (H) 1969-90. [e.g.: Robert, OMS 1.10-11 = Hübner, RGR 1.116]
Robert, Pionios = Robert, L., Le martyre de Pionios, Washington 1994. [e.g.: Robert, Pionios Gener. = BE 1995.53]
Robert, Troade = Robert, L., Monnaies Antiques en Troade, Ginebra - París 1966. [e.g.: Robert, Troade 16-17 = Hübner, RGR 1.25]
Robert, Villes = Robert, L., Villes d'Asie Mineure. Études de géographie ancienne, París 1962[2]. [e.g.: Robert, Villes 212-213 = Strubbe, ARAI 139]
Roberts, Inscriptiones Chandleri = Roberts, W., Marmorum Oxoniensium inscriptiones graecae ad Chandleri exemplar editae, Oxford 1791. [e.g.: Roberts, Inscriptiones Chandleri 53 n.46, 149 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 17]
Roberts, Introduction = Roberts, E.S., Introduction to Greek Epigraphy, I, Cambridge 1887 [Chicago 1996]. [e.g.: Roberts, Introduction 101 = Michel 770]
Roberts - Gardner = Roberts, E.S. y Gardner, E.A., An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy. Part II. The Inscriptions of Attica, Cambridge 1905 [Chicago 1996]. [e.g.: Roberts - Gardner 1 = Hicks-Hill, Manual[2] 4]
Robinson, Athletics = Robinson, R.S., Sources for the History of Greek Athletics, Cincinnati, Ohio 1955. [e.g.: CIG 1427 = Robinson, Athletics 272]
Robinson, Olynthus = Robinson, D.M., Excavations at Olynthus (Mosaics, Vases and Lamps), Baltimore 1933. [e.g.: Robinson, Olynthus 262 n.1109 = Guarducci, EGOTI 361]
ROC = Revue de l'Orient Chrétien, París. [e.g.: ROC 4, 1899, 581 = IGLS 4054]
Rodríguez Colmenero, Aquae Flaviae = Rodríguez Colmenero, A., Aquae Flaviae I. Fontes epigráficas, Braga 1987. [e.g.: Rodríguez Colmenero, Aquae Flaviae 141 = De Hoz, EGH 28.1]
Rodríguez Colmenero, Inscripciones rupestres = Rodríguez Colmenero, A., Corpus-catálogo de inscripciones rupestres de época romana del cuadrante noroeste de la Península Ibérica, La Coru¤a 1993. [e.g.: Rodríguez Colmenero, Inscripciones rupestres 65-67 = De Hoz, EGH 28.1]
ROE = Römisches Oesterreich. Jahresschrift der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft für Archaeologie, Viena. [e.g.: ROE 3, 1975, 286-288 = Jordan, Survey 172 n.83]
Roehl, Beiträge = Roehl, H., Beiträge zur griechischen Epigraphik, Berlín 1875-76. [e.g.: Roehl, Beiträge 1-2 = McCabe, Ephesos 806]
Roehl, Imagines = Roehl, H., Imagines inscriptionum Graecarum antiquissimarum in usum scholarum, Berlín 1883. [e.g.: Roehl, Imagines 41 n.6 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 1447]
Roehl, Imagines[2] = Roehl, H., Imagines inscriptionum Graecarum antiquissimarum in usum scholarum, Berlín 1898[2]. [e.g.: Roehl, Imagines[2] 22 = Hicks-Hill, Manual[2] 25]
Roehl, Imagines[3] = Roehl, H., Imagines inscriptionum Graecarum antiquissimarum in usum scholarum, Berlín 1907[3]. [e.g.: Roehl, Imagines[3] 105.37 = SIG 61]
Roehl, Schedae Epigraphicae = Roehl, H., Schedae Epigraphicae, Berlín - Londres 1876. [e.g.: Roehl, Schedae Epigraphicae 2 n.2 = GVI 846]
Roesch, EB = Roesch, P., Études Béotiennes, París 1982. [e.g.: Roesch, EB 126-127 n.6 = Bringmann, Schenkungen 87]
Roesch, Femmes = Roesch, P., ®Femmes et fortune en Béotie¯, La femme dans le monde méditerranéen, Lyon 1985. [e.g.: SEG 22.432 = Roesch, Femmes 81-84]
Roesch, Thespies = Roesch, P., Thespies et la confédération béotienne, París 1965. [e.g.: Roesch, Thespies 105-106 y 130 = ISE 83]
Rogozen Treasure = Cook, B.I. (ed.), The Rogozen Treasure. Papers of the Anglo-Bulgarian Conference, 12 march 1987, Londres 1989. [e.g.: Rogozen Treasure 33-37 = BE 1990.163]
Rois, cités, nécropoles = Hatzopoulos, M.B. et al. (eds.), Rois, cités, nécropoles. Institutions, rites et monuments en Macédoine. Actes du colloque de Nanterre (décembre 2002) et d'Athènes (janvier 2004), Meletemata 45, Atenas 2006. [e.g.: Rois, cités, nécropoles 131-141 = BE 2006.242]
Roldán Hervas, Hispania = Roldán Hervas, J.M., Hispania y el ejército romano, Salamanca 1974. [e.g.: Roldán Hervas, Hispania 453 = CGLB 857]
Rolland, Glanum = Rolland H., Fouilles de Glanum, 1947-1956, Gallia, Suppl 11, París 1958. [e.g.: Rolland, Glanum 44-45 = IGF 170]
Rolland, Sainte-Blaise I = Rolland, H., Fouilles De Saint-Blaise (Bouches-du-Rhone) I, Gallia, Suppl. 3, París 1951. [e.g.: Rolland, Sainte-Blaise I 186 = IGF 184]
Rolland, Sainte-Blaise II = Rolland, H., Fouilles de Saint-Blaise II. (1951-1956), Gallia, Suppl. 7, París 1956. [e.g.: Rolland, Sainte-Blaise II 85 = IGF 184]
Roller, Tanagran Studies = Roller, D., Tanagran Studies, I. Sources and documents on Tanagra in Boiotia; II. The prosopography of Tanagra in Boiotia, Amsterdam 1989. [e.g.: Roller, Tanagran Studies I 100-108 n.87 = Migeotte, Souscriptions 28]
Rolley, Sculpture I = Rolley, C., La Sculpture grecque. I. Des origines au milieu du Ve s., París 1994. [e.g.: Rolley, Sculpture Gener. = BE 1996.70]
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Rolley, Vases = Rolley, Cl., Les vases de bronze de l'archaïsme récent en Grande Grèce, Nápoles 1982. [e.g.: Rolley, Vases 59 = BE 1987.107]
Rolley, Vix = Rolley, C. (ed.), La tombe princière de Vix, París 2003. [e.g.: Rolley, Vix 106-112 = BE 2004.84]
Roman Onomastics = Roman Onomastics in the Greek East. Social and Political Aspects. Procedings of the International Colloquium organised by the Finnish Institute and the Center for Greek and Roman Antiquity, Athens 7-9 September 1993, ed. A. Rizakis, Meletemata 20, Atenas 1996. [e.g.: Roman Onomastics 149-155 = BE 1997.268]
Roman Rule and Civic Life = Roman Rule and Civic Life. Local and Regional Perspectives. Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop of the International network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire c. 200 B.C. - A.D. 476), Leiden 2004. [e.g.: Roman Rule and Civic Life 315-330 = BE 2006.327]
Roman Sculpture Art Museum = Roman Sculpture in the Art Museum, Princeton University, ed. J.M. Padgett, Princeton 2001. [e.g.: Roman Sculpture Art Museum 273-310 = BE 2004.378]
Romanelli, Cirenaica = Romanelli, P., La Cirenaica Romana, Verbania 1943. [e.g.: Romanelli, Cirenaica 49 = IApollonia 10]
Romanelli, Leptis Magna = Romanelli, P., Leptis Magna, Roma 1935. [e.g.: Romanelli, Leptis Magna 151 = GVI 578]
Romanisation und Resistenz = Romanisation und Resistenz in Plastik, Architektur und Inschriften der Provinzen des Imperium Romanum. Neue Funde und Forschungen. Akten des VII Internationalen Colloquiums über Probleme des Provinzialrömischen Kunstschaffens, ed. P. Noelke et al., Mainz 2003. [e.g.: Romanisation und Resistenz 577-586 = BE 2004.399]
Röm.Mitt. = v. MDAI(R).
RömHM = Römische historische Mitteilungen. Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut. Viena. [e.g.: RömHM 23, 1981, 209-212 = McCabe, Ephesos 2053]
Ronchi, Lexicon Theonymon = Ronchi, G., Lexicon theonymon rerumque sacrarum et divinarum ad Aegyptum pertinentum quae in papyis ostracis titulis graecis latinisque in Aegypto repertis laudantur, Milán 1974-77. [e.g.: Ronchi, Lexicon Theonymon I (1974) 106 s.u. Amenothes = Deir el-Bahari 283]
Roos, Rock-Tombs = Roos, P., The rock-tombs of Caunus, I: The architecture, Studies in Mediterranean archaeology 34.1, Goteborg 1972. [e.g.: Roos, Rock-Tombs 93 = McCabe, Kaunos 55]
Roques, Tombeaux = Roques, D., Tombeaux grecs. Anthologie d'épigrammes, París 1995. [e.g.: GVI 1102 = Roques, Tombeaux 128]
RosArch = Rossiiskaia Arkheologiia, Moscú. [e.g.: RosArch 1993, II, 34-47 = BE 1996.306]
Roscher, ML = Roscher, W.H., Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie, Leipzig 1884-1937. [e.g.: Roscher, ML IV 243 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 2608]
Rose, Inscriptiones vetustissimae = Rose, H.J., Inscriptiones graecae vetustissimae. Collegit, et observationes tum aliorum, tum suas adjecit Hugo Jacobus Rose, Cambridge 1825. [e.g.: Rose, Inscriptiones vetustissimae 389 n.4 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 187]
Rosenbaum - Ward-Perkins, Cyrenaican Churches = Alföldi-Rosenbaum, E. - Ward-Perkins, J.B., Justinianic Mosaic Pavements in Cyrenaican Churches, Roma 1980. [e.g.: Rosenbaum - Ward-Perkins, Cyrenaican Churches 148 = IChr.Cyren.155-156]
Rosenbaum, Cyrenaica = Rosenbaum, E., Catalogue of Portrait Sculpture of Cyrenaica, Oxford 1969. [e.g.: Rosenbaum, Cyrenaica n.240 = IApollonia 64]
Ross, Arch.Aufsätze = Ross, L., Archäologische Aufsätze, Leipzig 1855-61, 2 vols. [e.g.: Ross, Arch.Aufsätze II 611 ss. = ISE 38]
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Ross, Hellenika = Ross, L., Hellenika I 1, Halle 1846. [e.g.: Ross, Hellenika I p. 67 = McCabe, Rhodian Peraia 58]
Ross, Inscr.Gr.ined. = Ross, L., Inscriptiones Graecae ineditae, I, Nauplio 1834; II, Atenas 1842; III, Berlín 1845. [e.g.: Ross, Inscr.Gr.ined. 12 = SIG 624]
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Ross, Reisen = Ross, L., Reisen und Reiserouten in Griechenland. I. Reisen im Peloponnes, Berlín 1941. [e.g.: Ross, Reisen p.23 = App.Anth.1.278]
Rossi, Mosaici cristiani = Rossi, G.B., Mosaici cristiani e saggi dei pavimenti delle Chiese di Roma anteriori al secolo XV, Roma 1899. [e.g.: Rossi, Mosaici cristiani 4 = Eisen, Officeholders 202-205]
Rostovtzeff, Ges.Wirt.Röm. = Rostovtzeff, M.I., Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft im römischen Kaiserreich, Leipzig 1931. [e.g.: Rostovtzeff, Ges.Wirt.Röm. II 278-279 nota 4 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 1146]
Rostovtzeff, Kolonat = Rostovtzeff, M., Studien zur geschichte des römischen Kolonates, Leipzig - Berlín 1910. [e.g.: Rostovtzeff, Kolonat 253 = McCabe, Lagina 2]
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Rostovtzeff, SEHRE[2] = Rostovtzeff, M., The social and economic history of the Roman Empire, Oxford 1957-71[2]. [e.g.: Rostovtzeff, SEHRE[2] II 655 nota 5 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 1146]
Rostovtzeff, Storia = Rostovtzeff, M., Storia economica e sociale dell'impero romano, Florencia 1933. [e.g.: Rostovtzeff, Storia 303 nota 4 = Barth - Stauber, IMT 1146]
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Rot-Gerson, Eretz-Israel = Rot-Gerson, L., The Greek Inscriptions from the Synagogues in Eretz-Israel, Jerusalem 1987. [e.g.: Rot-Gerson, Eretz-Israel 135 n.2 = IJud.Or.2.217]
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Rottiers, Monuments de Rhodes = Rottiers, B.E., Description des monuments de Rhodes, dédiée à sa majesté le roi des Pays-Bas, Bruselas 1830. [e.g.: Rottiers, Monuments de Rhodes 203 = GDI 3981]
Rottiers, Tiflis = Rottiers, B.E.A., Itinéraire de Tiflis à Constantinople, Bruselas 1829. [e.g.: Rottiers, Tiflis 283-284 = ISinope 90]
Roueché, Gameboards = Roueché, Ch., ®Gameboards and pavement markings at Aphrodisias¯, en I. Finkel (ed.), Board Games in Perspective. Papers form the 1990 British Museum Colloquium, with additional papers, Londres 2005. [e.g.: Roueché, Gameboards n.3 = ALA-2004 n.70]
Roussel, Cultes = Roussel, P., Les cultes égyptiens à Délos, Nancy 1915-16. [e.g.: Roussel, Cultes 14 = RDGE 5]
Roussel, Délos = Roussel, P., Délos colonie athénienne, Bibliothèque des Écoles Fran‡aises d'Athènes et de Rome 111, París 1987. [e.g.: Roussel, Délos Gener. = BE 1991.244]
Rousset, Territoire = Rousset, D., Le territoire de Delphes et la terre d'Apollon, París 2002. [e.g.: GDI 2738 = Rousset, Territoire 31]
Roux, Attale = Roux, G., Fouilles de Delphes. II. La terrasse d'Attale, París 1987. [e.g.: Roux, Attale 139 = IChoix Delphes 118]
Roux, L'Amphictionie = Roux, G., L'Amphictionie. Delphes et le temple d'Apollon au IVe siècle, Lyon - París 1972. [e.g.: Roux, L'Amphictionie 329-240 = BE 1980.184]
Rowlandson, Women = Rowlandson, J., Women and society in Greek and Roman Egypt. A sourcebook, Cambridge 1998. [e.g.: Sokolowski 2.119 = Rowlandson, Women 40]
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RPAA = Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia di Archeologia, Roma. [e.g.: RPAA 1838, 14 = IGLS 4012]
RPC = Burnett, A., Roman Provincial Coinage, Cambridge 1992, 2 vols. [e.g.: RPC 1.2031 = Eilers, Patrons 136]
RPh = Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes, París. [e.g.: RPh 13, 1889, 81-84 = IMEG 176]
RQ = Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte, Roma. [e.g.: RQ 69, 1974, 7-29 = Eisen, Officeholders 202-205]
RQA = Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde and für Kirchengeschichte, Friburgo. [e.g.: RQA 1905, 9 = BE 1952.192]
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RRel = Review of Religions, Nueva York. [e.g.: RRel 1948, 24-47 = BE 1950.29]
RRosm = Rivista Rosminiana di filosofia e di cultura, Domodossola. [e.g.: RRosm 57, 1963, 11 pp. = BE 1965.4S7]
RSA = Rivista storica dell' Antichità, Bolonia. [e.g.: RSA 4, 1974, 5 n.1 = IGDGG 1.70]
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RSBN = Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici, Roma, Università di Roma-La Sapienza. [e.g.: RSBN 20-21, 1983-84, 103-122 = BE 1987.551]
RSCalabr = Rivista Storica Calabrese. [e.g.: RSCalabr 8, 1900, 57-62 = IReggio Calabria 10]
RSI = Rivista Storica Italiana, Nápoles. [e.g.: RSI 73, 1961, 345-356 = BE 1964.185]
RSNum = Revue Suisse de Numismatique, Ginebra. [e.g.: RSNum 14, 1908, 89 = BE 1974.154]
RSO = Rivista degli Studi Orientali, Roma. [e.g.: RSO 4, 1911, 196-197 = Cumont, Cinquantenaire 172-175 n.145]
RSR = Revue des Sciences religieuses, Estrasburgo. [e.g.: RSR 20, 1940, 235-251 = BE 1942.169]
RSS = Rassegna Storica Salernitana, Salerne. [e.g.: RSS 23, 1962, 4-6 = BE 1965.490]
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RStudFen = Rivista di studi fenici, pubbl. dal Centro di studio per la civiltà fenicia e punica, Roma. [e.g.: RStudFen 19, 1991, 3-21 = BE 1993.626]
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